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((Don't you love my cheeky cliff hangers? Good thing we aren't starting with Johnnie's POV, right? That wouldn't be right xD ILY))

~Shannon's POV~

Tyler stared at me concerned and I do my best to not look guilty. He had caught me. I hated my hair and hair disease the most about me. Tyler can't help me.

"No..." I say lying. 

"You're a liar, Shannon."

He was right. I had been caught. The guilt multiplies, it's killing me. 

"I-I am..." 

"You have to get it together, Shan. I love you. You don't have a need to hat yourself. I know it's gonna get much worse before it gets better. I understand that but Shannon I'm here and I love you...for being you. You don't have to this to yourself," He says. I stare blankly and nod. 

"I know it's hard to love yourself and insecurities are what fuels our rage and the things we do but you have no need to be insecure. You're beautiful...I promise...There's no reason to be insecure," He says lifting my chin up making me look into his eyes as tears filled my eyes. He kisses me and lets go of my chin. I hug him.

He made me feel happier and less insecure. Tyler had kept me alive and happy for this whole relationship.

"Sorry...I have been such a whiny depressed bitch. My insecurities are the least of the worlds problems and I should worry about more important things. It's not always about me and I should stop being selfish," I say biting my bottom lip.

"Shannon...stop finding more reason to 'hate' yourself. It may not be the worlds biggest problem to worry about you and whether or not you're okay. Despite that you are MY world and you're my biggest matter. I have to take care of you, I promised," Tyler says it as if it was all rehearsed. I love him so much and hug him again. This time I didn't want to let go. Ever.

~Jordan's POV~

"Jordan not again! Please no no not again. You were just getting better!" She yells. I knew she only yelled because she was worried about my health, obviously a whole ton more than I did. 

Tears filled her eyes. I couldn't just lie to her face.

"I-I am...sorry," I say admitting to it indirectly.

The tears slide down her face like a waterfall. 

"You were just getting better.....Jordan...Jordan," She couldn't speak she was so sad. She was so happy that when I got out of the hospital that I was finally eating. She finally got to enjoy our times together. She had always been super worried about me eating because I found no fundamental need in it. I saw no fun in it either. Eating was just a thing that I really couldn't do. Not because of my mental mindset but because I just physically couldn't. 

Even when we were just friends she was always worried. I had some type of disease where eating food meant nothing to me and I couldn't physically eat. 

" something...i-it doesn't have to be big...but Jordan please. I need you to eat. I need you to be ok. I love you truly and sincerely. I-I just...just need you to eat...t-to....try t-to," She says hiccuping between a few words. More tears fell from her face. She fell into my arms sobbing into my chest.

 Her heart would always break if she had found out that I wasn't eating. 

"P-please Jordan?"
I still hadn't said anything. Not yet anyways.

She grabs my hand and pulls me with her towards the kitchen. She was going to make me eat and I know I should so I let her drag me there.

~Jeydon's POV~ ((Sorry for not spelling "Samm" right kinda forgot))

I walked back into my room, Sam of course followed. She sat next to me on the bed and took my hands with her own. She looked me in the eyes. The confrontation. 

"Jeydon...I have a sinking feeling that you are know...aren't you?" She asks. Here would be my biggest regret yet. Lying.

"No Samm, I'm not..I don't want to do it after all of those years that I haven't done it," I say. I pray she would buy it. I hate her or anybody worrying about me. I'm fat and I need to fix my stupid little issue.

"Jeydon....just remember... I'm here....if you feel as if you are too fat or insecure...I'm still here....Promise," She says placing a kiss on my cheek and leaving my room. 

I had lied to Samm. To her face. For the like 5th time on her trip here. I'm a horrible person. Guilt fills me. I'm an idiot and shouldn't of lied...yet again. So many regrets. Tears fall from my eyes. I'm fat and an god damned idiot. How could anyone love me when I can't even love me?

~Kyle's POV~

I had been sat here, crying, for about an hour now. I thought me and Meghan were doing so good. What happened to it? 

I felt so happy with her. Now I would sink back into my depressed state. I hated being alone it gave me horrible thoughts. It let my demons loose. I always had to be around someone, now there was nobody. 

I throw  my lamp across the room. I look at the picture of us on my nightstand and throw it as well. It smashes against the wall, glass shatter everywhere. 

I start scratching at my wrist. I had done something wrong. She wouldn't of ended it otherwise. It was my fault of course, it always was. I had ruined our relationships. I couldn't do romance well and she knew she could find someone better to replace me. 

I cry more scratching at my wrists. I could never seem to do anything right. I always found a way to fuck up everything. I always wonder why I'm single and why everyone hates me and I finally see it. Meghan should've left me earlier because I am a horrible person. I can't understand why anyone would want to be around me. Ever.

~Alex's POV~

I clench my fist. I felt a sinking feeling in my gut. I walked towards Johnnie's room. I wiggle the knob. Locked. Shit.

"BRYAN!" I yell frantically crying. 

He walks into the hall. 

'I-I don't feel so good about this. The door is locked..Johnnie's in there. Alone," I say with tears in my eyes. He starts slamming against the door. It finally broke.

We broke the bathroom door too. We found him on the floor and I silently prayed in my head that he was ok. I crouched beside him and check his pulse and I gasped. 

Misfits (A MDE Fan Fic Sequel)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt