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~Alex's POV~
He lay there. Basically lifeless Johnnie lay there on the cold blue tile floor. Pills everywhere. It was a mess. He was a mess. I was all teary eyed. I hated this idiot. I told him not to do this shit. Thank god....he was alive. He barely had a pulse, but he had one nonetheless. Bryan had called 911 already and the sirens faded into place and they were here. Hang in Johnnie. Hang in please. I can't fucking loose
you. I can't loose anyone else because of my fuck ups. Please be ok. Be ok.
~Shannon's POV~
Eventually he got up. I was lifted of his warmth and comfort. He got up and left my room. Leaving me alone to sulk in my stupidity. I had so many people. So many that love me.
I shouldn't be hating myself so many have been through worse and I am acting like it's always about me. It's not.
~Jordans POV~
She forced me into the kitchen. She scurried over to the fridge and frantically searched for something. Something small. Something I could eat. She would make me eat. No matter what.
She pulls out a red apple and closes the fridge. She walks back to me and places it on my hand and we stare at each other.
"I'm going to make you eat it. You need to eat. Please I love you," She says staring into my eyes.
My family was in the living room and I just pray nobody will see me like this.
I take the apple placing it to my lips. I open my mouth and bit down. I started to chew. It was hard for me to do. I swallow. I need to eat and she is right. I can't let this get the best of me. I breathe.
((Quick note gonna skip some POVS This chapter to get in more Johnnie and Alex and Bryan related stuff, leave some feed back, back to story))
~Alex's POV~
The sirens still blared in the back of my mind. They had taken Johnnie out on a gurney. I had watched his pale face be rushed into and ambulance. So much had happened this year.
It wasn't such a fun year. For us. For anyone in MDE. It was a rollar coaster there was too much. So much happiness which was quickly overwhelmed by the sadness. I'm so thankful we haven't lost anyone yet. We can't. 
I had to help him recover after all of this. I couldn't go visit him in the hospital. They would put me back into there. I just couldn't. The memory still haunted me and I have a fear that he would be there. Ethan. Just there. Ready to do...things.
That was all me.
Trying to replace Johnnie.
I just hope Johnnie would be okay. He had been there for me almost always.
~Johnnies POV~

There was sound. And I was there. Fading from reality and into forever sleep.  I had to push through. Don't die. Johnnie. Come on.
I hear the beeps from the heart monitor as my vision and sound blurred in and out.
"HE'S NOT DOING SO WELL SOMEONE GRAB THEM," a voice shouts. A doctor.
I was now floating outside of my body. I need to push through. Please. PLEASE.
Alex needed me to. Bryan too.
A shock wave goes into my body sending a shock to my heart.
It revives it. It starts beating at normal pace and I was placed back into my body. Into a sleep I fell back into it.
I wake up. It was cold. I took a look around. I was obviously in a hospital and I already know this information. Where was Alex? I pick up my phone.
Alex: If you ever read this...I want to let you know I love you. Like a lot but o don't want to be put back on suicide watch and put into the support group. I will tell you why in due time.
What did this even mean? God Alex was always so cryptic.
A doctor walks in. His expression changes from neutral to shocked as he looks up from his clipboard.
"Y-you're awake?" He says stumbling over his words in question.
"Uh...yeah I guess."
"You were out. For a month. We thought you wouldn't wake up," he says.
I gasp in shock. Holy shit. No fucking way.
Everyone must be scared shitless. How am I still alive? I missed a whole month of my life. I was in a coma. For a month. So much to try and comprehend.
~Alex's POV~
I hadn't heard back about Johnnie. A month has passed. Was he still alive? Was he dead? I check my messages. He read my text I send 4 weeks ago 5 minutes ago.
I breathe a sigh of relief.
I knew once he got better what would happen.
I had tried to replace him.
It didn't work.
Now I would want someone.
I would want him.
I would crawl back into his arms.
Every time I always do.
I can't replace him.
He would do something.
I would crawl back.
He was a drug.
An addictive one.
I can't face the fact of loneliness.

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