Season 5B Episode 11

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Teen wolf is back y'all and this is what I think of tonight's episode.

Omg that first scene was like the best because Theo was just like no we're here for Lydia Martin. I don't even know how to explain it but I feel so bad for Stiles because his dad is dying and like his insurance company doesn't know if they're going to cover it. But oh my gosh, and I'm totally freaking out. Okay let's talk about the shower scene. That was amazing with Holland Roden and Ryan Kelly. Like his body and Holland Rodens body gave me life. Like did you not see the 8 pack that's absolutely ridiculous. I love the scene where Parish is driving and he knows that Lydia is in trouble and he has to find her. I find that so interesting because we're learning more about his character.

I'm just waiting to see Liam, Malia, and Kira because I haven't seen them yet in these 15 minutes alright. I'm going to continue watching than an update in the break.

Hold up, hold up,hold up, hold up,hold up,hold up, okay so I get it, you're mad, but please don't slam your best friend on the ground because it just puts me in a emotional state that is very hard to recover from. I'm glad Liam is even in this episode but I'm still waiting for Malia and Kira. I find it so sad that Liam doesn't know the Hayden is alive because she was right there on the dashboard. Right now I'm just slightly confused on what Jeff Davis is trying to do. Is he trying to like fuck with me?

And Theo better damn well come to Stiles because he's waiting for you. Then Scott's going to pop out like you thought I was dead mother fucker.

Theo please you can't handle this. We have survived so much crap seasons 1 through 5 that you are like a ant. Not much of a problem. Oh and I freaking hate Natalia Martin because Stiles loves Lydia she knows that too. Don't go pushing him away because he loves her. He's only looking out for her. He knows what he's talking about. He told you to look at the back of her head and you did and you saw what happened. He knows what he's talking about so, stop pushing him out! Natalia Martin is the stupidest person I know because she admitted Lydia into Eichen house. Thinking that she would be safe. Bitch you thought.

Stiles plan for making Theo come to him by using Scotts shirt when he smelled Scott. Was so smart. It honestly made me say thank you Jeff Davis for making Stiles the smart one.

I think the Beast is the one that hurt Stiles dad and I hope that Scott can keep the secret that he's not dead for at least one more episode because it would be interesting to see what Theo thinks.

Scott is almost always right because he told Stiles that we beat all these people, we can beat Theo because that's nothing. I can't believe that Stiles almost ran over Scott with car. Like what the heck! I was like calm down dam. Then, I feel like I'm getting a Jackson and Danny vibe from Liam and Mason because they're working together and the trying to find the nemeton.

Right on the Parish! Because he said he will break Lydia out of there and I'm confident he could do it because that's not the right area for her and never will be. And also Malia is here. She made her appearance so I'm happy about that. Along with that, the dread doctors made their appearance and I'm like how do these people walk so fast? This boy was running and they're walking. Like are their legs 15 feet long?I don't get it but, okay I'm going to just go with it.

So Liam and Mason found the Nemeton and I find it so sad that Malia and stiles "broke up"even though I didn't like them as a couple. I'm so concerned about Stiles feelings. I thought it was funny that like Scott said like I guess we broke up too about Stiles because you know they broke up. But ok so Stiles dream and his mother's funeral was so sad because it's just like his dad was saying you got me. But at this point he doesn't know if he's got him or not. The part where Liam's dad is talking to Melissa and they really don't know how to save Stilinski is messed up because if Stiles loses his dad it would be the ultimate breakdown for him and the fandom.

Stiles needs to wake the fuck up and stop getting knocked the fuck out because every 3 seconds he is knocked fuck out. I'm like Stiles can you stay conscious for like five seconds.

I feel like JR going to come in soon and it's going to end up with a JR cliffhanger but let's just continue watching an update later.

Thank you Melissa McCall I don't know how you got that information but you saved Sheriff Stilinski! I really thought it was a sweet moment when when Stiles was leaning on his dad like that and he said that don't worry you still got me.I cried because that was what was going through his head every single time he got knocked out, and it was so short and sweet, and it was really emotional blow up for me. Like this doesn't happen. And when I found out that that kid was part berserker and that the dread doctors wanted to kill him I found that was really terrible because I'm like okay, he helped Stiles so this dude right here is my buddy.

I love Jeff Davis for this and I know I'm skipping around in like the TV show but I'm just thinking random things like all the time. I loved how Jeff Davis included Tyler Posey / Scott McCall tattoo and use that as his pack symbol just to show Theo that he was coming for his pack and the chimeras could not keep up with Scott and his pack.

The last part about Parish and the hellhound! I'm so excited to see what his character will do because now we're seeing the hell hound with new fetures. Parish was being serious when he I'm coming after Lydia like I'm not going to let you stay with these creepy ass people that want to drill holes in your head.

Unfortunately I couldn't see the preview for episode 512 because the Shannara Chronicles started directly after but I will go looking for it.

Back into the episode, I don't know why Theo thinks he needs to babysit Hayden everywhere she goes because I feel like I never see Hayden alone anymore. I'm starting to really hate Hayden because she's like okay this is where I found the bodies she showed the police Nemeton which is like something you don't do. You keep the humans out of the supernatural world. Unless is your name is Stiles, Mason,Ken,Sheriff Stilinki,Melissa,Gerard,or Chris. But by far this is the best season premiere I've ever seen from the Teen Wolf franchise. It's the best one and my favorite episode from season 5 so far its absolute best.I'm talking season 1 the premiere the started the show was not even as great as this. Season 2, not even as great. Season three my favorite season and season 3b my favorite season,combine 3 was not even the best. Season 4 the crappiest season honestly in my opinion is not even better than this season 5b premiere. Jeff Davis has stepped it up and I am so so so proud of the TV show and I'm proud of everyone that's worked on it and proud of this as a whole. It was put together well. So well written that it makes me want to watch the episode over and over and over and over again nonstop. To wrap this up I feel like this season, this half of the season will be about Lydia and Parish. I really feel that everybody gets season or everybody gets at least half of the season. So I feel like season 1 with Scott. Season 2 is Jackson.Season 3 was really about the pack. Season 3b it was about Stiles. Season 4 was about the pack. Season 5 is about the pack. Season 5b will be about Lydia and Parrish.

I hope you guys enjoyed my reaction, my written reaction the first ever written reaction by me and you got what I was talking about. Stop by next week for another reaction and Thank you for reading

Sayonara Scott,

- Chikere

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