Season 5 Episode 19

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Teen Wolf is back and here is what I think of tonight's episode.

Awww Mason and Corey how adorable. I don't get what Corey wants with Mason because does he want him for Theo or himself, like to keep him safe. I think that Masons parents probably had an operation on Mason when he was younger and did not care to tell him and that's why he is a chimera. But that seems like some shady shit. Now that I realize it, Mason has killed hella people. I just don't understand how he hasn't killed his friends and how he hasn't changed as a person.

My baby Theo is back. And he is up to no good. I know he wants to find out something but forcing Josh to wear the helmet that can kill him. So it's a little ridiculous. I am glad he did not put it on.

I am glad that Jeff Davis has brought back the reality of Scott and the pack barley being in school. He missed his scholarship deadline because of all the crap going on in beacon hills.

Stiles is a cinnamon roll he honestly wants a gun but he knows he can't handle it. So he can stick with his bat. 😂

Scott is healing faster Hallelujah!
The part when the pack was all at the table planning how to safe Mason it reminded me of when the pack was going to save Lydia.

Mason is a baby somebody go get him. The dread doctors need to back the fuck up.

How come Kira just reappeared without any connection? Like where did she go.

For some reason I thought Deucalion was pulling a bullshit act because he was so strong in season three and now he is so weak that makes no sense. Theo is stupid for killing Josh to take his power I know he wants to be able to put on the mask but he does not have the ability to keep killing his pack for power. I feel like deucalion is tricking him and he is going to die anyway.

Parish is again annoying me. He is denying himself or the hellhound. Then it takes a bunch of people to get him back including the Sheriff ( I am glad he is back )

I knew it Theo is going to die. SMH

Never mind Okay Theo is alive. Liam is such a cutie with the jokes. And Theo called him a kid. This was adorable.

So we finally learn who he guy in the mucky water is. He was a Nazi that was a alpha werewolf and the dread doctors use something from his body. His name is German for solider.

So I turns out that Theo saw Sebastian and that Mason looks like is the definite beast. Which sucks because he is a killer. The part with Liam were cool because you could tell that he wanted Scott's approval before telling Theo were Mason was. He loves his alpha 😂😍

I would not just pull the thing out from Mason because it might kill him so be careful.

I think that Kira is going to ask satomi to help put her sword back together. I honestly don't understand why Kira leaves in time of need. She is kinda useless besides for have sex with Scott 😂


I never knew Mason was so hungry. He ate his own twin. SMH. But that makes a lot of sense now

Literally the dread doctors are savages. Like leave Theo alone if he was stronger he would kick your ass.

So the Dread Doctors wanted Mason to transform without frequencies. To become the real beast. I think finally Damnatio Memoriae worked for Mason because he is changing completely.

I knew that Parish would come back it was too obvious.

Can we like drop the Desert Wolf thing like save that for another season like she is just an annoying Bitch. That is a waste of time in Teen Wolf tbh

So this was the twist is was Sebastian that is now Mason he is the man of the beast the dread doctors completed the transformation.

Next week looks lit the Season finale of season 5 and STYDIA IS FUCKING HOLDING HANDS AGAIN. LYDIA BETTER NOT DIE JEFF.

Vroom Vroom Valet,

- Chikere 🌜💕🐺🌛

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