Season 5 Episode 16

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Teen Wolf is back in this is what I think of tonight's episode.

So the beginning of this episode was a continuation of the previous episodes. When parishes enters Eichen, that part. I'm so glad that Theo got drilled in the back because he deserved it. He was trying to take Lydia when Stiles and Scott wanted her first. He doesn't deserve Lydia so he should just back the fuck off.

The Hayden and Liam scene, I am absolutely in love with their relationship. It is so cute I'm glad they finally did the dirty because they had those cute puppy kisses but that was not enough for me.

Deucalion is a fucking savage. How is he going to ask Hayden, someone apart of two groups to have the ability to lie. That's not right, she shouldn't decide what side she wants to be on. Don't tell her that it's better to do this to Theo because essentially he is her alpha and Liam is her boyfriend.

I don't know what Theo is thinking because Stiles will get Lydia out of there no matter what so he needs to back off. Lydia's mom finally found out that Eichen house is not safe. She picked up that electric wand and was scared she probably thought they use this on people? So I'm glad she finally realizes that.

Scott and Liam are looking for Meredith because she is the one that is helping to save Lydia. She is so important to the story line. It was wise thinking Scott.

You got it Kira. She honestly needs to start controlling herself if she never learns she will just keep screwing the pack over over and over and over again because she can't control herself. Focus and Kira has got this

Again Stiles stop listening to Theo he just wants what he wants he doesn't care about you or anybody else. Go get Lydia and forget him. Scott and Liam have found Meredith and she's not doing too well. I don't think it's a smart idea for him to enter her mind because she's already emotionally unstable. It would just be bad if he were to do anything wrong like, break away too fast and end up killing her.

I feel so bad for Lydia because all she can hear is screaming. All that is in her mind right now is screaming and I would hate for that to happen to me. I don't get why Valack wants to amplify her abilities when she is already so strong.

Malia doesn't trust Josh because all he wants is to please Theo and get what he wants. In this circumstance I feel like she has to say yes to let Josh help Kira.

I love the scene with Liam fighting the nurses because it shows strength. It was funny when the a huge ass dude came and Liam is like shit... Jeff Davis thank you again for the hilarious lines. He has brought the comedy back to Teen Wolf.

Parish is more than just a side character we knew that he and Lydia are we connected because they're both all about death. But I want Stiles to save her because he is just generally better but whatever we'll see.

I'm glad Hayden does not trust Deucalion he is also only there for himself. I don't know what Hayden is going to do but I hope she's not stupid about it and she actually uses that brain she has.

I absolutely died when Liam knocked out that guy and then he fell over. I was dying of laughter.

Again Theo needs to back off. I'm happy that that Stiles finally addresses the fact that Theo killed his sister. We find out that Theo was kind of tricked by the Dread Doctors so I feel for him. They made him believe something that wasn't true but then he was old enough to understand that this is not right.

I feel like at this point Lydia needs to help herself. I know it seems ridiculous but no one is coming to save her and she needs help herself. The trepidation that Valack did might kill her and that's scary. If she doesn't want to die she might just needs to help herself.

Malia is so smart she doesn't go into anything without making sure she's going to get what she wants in the end. She does not trust Josh because he is not a part of her pack so she wants to make sure she's getting exactly what she's asking for. I'm so glad because it seems like she cares more about Kira then I thought. I thought in season 4 she didn't care about anyone she wanted almost everybody dead because that's just her mentality. That's just the way her script was written. This made me dislike Malia. Season 5 has brought out so much in her that I really am starting to love her as a character.

Theo doesn't know what's coming and Hayden hasn't told him. I don't know if I'm happy about that or sad because I love Cody Christian and I don't want him to leave the show but if it benefits Scott's pack it would be okay. I honestly think that he should back up, back off. He's just going to make Stiles push him off the edge, make it so he can never join Scott's pack, never regain Scott trust. He still doesn't know what happens when he puts on those talons. He will die. That makes me think how come Deucalion didn't tell anyone else in the pack that if Theo puts on the talons something will go bad. He only told Hayden that makes me wonder what is really going on.

Valack if you put that mask on Lydia I will kill you. I will jumped from my house into Teen Wolf and kill you. Do not touch her with that nasty ass mask she's a queen she deserves a tiara.

Valack need to stop pushing it he's going to kill her by bothering her with this beast thing. He's finally confirmed that the dread doctors want the boy inside of the beast to remember the 1700 killer that used to murder children. This is because they want him to be such a deadly person that will kill everyone.

Mason is me oh my gosh. Like if I was in Teen Wolf. He's like I don't know what to do I have no idea. This is transformer looking thing. I was like thank you thank you for this hilarious line.

Valack is dead. I told you I would kill him I'm just kidding. 😂 Lydia's scream was so powerful it knocked off a part of his head. I'm so happy he deserved it more than anyone.

The Stiles and Lydia moment gave me life because they are so adorable. Lydia smiled at him and it was so cute.

The Mason moment with Hayden was hilarious again because he was like I am going to slam my beautiful car for my friends I'm going to do it. Hayden's like what the hell you doing? And she just back flipped in.

Without parish they would all be dead by now because he blocked Lydia's scream so they wouldn't have died. I think his character so cool because he can just burn through Mountain Ash so I hope he sticks around.

Finally Natalie Martin realized that Eichen house and her daughter needed to go. I don't know what's happening to Lydia she's killing her friends and she knows it. I honestly hope she doesn't die if she does that will be the death of me of me.

I got so scared when Lydia passed out because I thought she was dead. But Stiles woke her up and Lydia told her mom that Stiles, Stiles had saved her and that absolutely brought me to tears. The whole scene was lovely and I loved it. It was a great scene for the both of them and their relationship. I'm glad that Lydia acknowledge that that Stiles was the one.

I'm just done talking about Theo and what he's up to.I'm done. We already know his plan so there's no point.



This was my reaction for this week I hope you guys liked it and I'll see you guys next week.

Goodbye Greenberg,

Chikere 🌜🐺🌛

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