Season 5 Episode 18

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Teen Wolf is back and here is what I think of tonight's episode.

How are their two FUCKING episodes left like what!

Can I just say I am so proud of Crystal Reed. Like she had the guts to come back too Teen Wolf even though her character is dead. She continues to make me love Allison and she hasn't said a word since 2013. I hate the way Gerard says Gevaudan tho. It just like Ewwww. I don't know, I don't like it.

I feel like I'm watching a movie everything Jeff has done with this episode has been fabulous. He has done it right on the mark and it's perfect. Can every episode of teen Wolf be like this?

Parish should stop thinking shit is on him because it his getting annoying as hell.

The Liam and Hayden part was cheesy I thought because it was just like puppy love. I get it but he should be going to a hospital right now not just sitting around making out. Like Hayden I like you but Bitch you are stupid as hell.

I feel it's great how we are using the the story of the beast to show how we need to kill the beast. So like Gerard is hinting at how maybe Scott and his pack are going to kill it. How come Gerard did not kill the beast earlier tho?

Crystal Reeds accent is so weird but I like it for some reason. I love how she shows girl power and authority by Marie leading the hunters in her bad ass cape. I feel like they should have not shown the beast because who ever did the CGI did a terrible job because the beast looks like crap. The way they filmed the Crystal Reed scene it is so pretty the beast ruined it.

So if the beast was already a werewolf than I don't get how he is a murder too? Like what the heck.

Scott is all about protecting others he like pushes a Bitch into a classroom😂. Unfortunately of course they get discovered and the beast comes barging in. When Scott is pulled out by the beast I don't know how he is going to recover from that like I know he is a Alpha but Damn Daniel, the beast pulled him hard.

I love how Lydia can feel the hurt of her friends that's how you tell she really loves all of her friends. I just remember with the twins in season three how they can feel each others pain. I feel like Lydia is that close she can feel the pacts pain.

With Marie I feel like the guy that saved her was an early druid because he is kind of a aid an missionary telling her all the things she needs to know.

I was thinking the same thing with Scott. How can he go all full Wolf with all these people. It makes sense that he said for them to go upstairs. I keep noticing that Mason has again not been seen with the beast and people say he is the beast but I think that it is someone else because that is too obvious. I think it's Donovan tbh.

Marie is very smart to give everyone mistletoe and try to find out the beast. It turns out that the guy she brought out that broke the glass, was like the dread doctors covering for the beast like a baby. But I find it really sad that the beast is her brother because it means she will have to kill her own brother.

I don't get how the beast came to life in the 1700S the because doesn't it only around transmission.

Marie knows what she has to do so she asked Henri for the sharpest spear ever so she can kill a beast. I'm glad she does not care that that is her brother because he has killed children and he is a monster.

Scott is crazy he is all about trying to help. He is going to help too much it will get him killed. Because Scott got the beast's sent it is going to be a huge help in finding exactly who the beast is. So that's a clue.

Where the hell is Kira and Theo. Like especially Theo with him gone it makes me think he is planning some crazy ass plan to kill Scott and take his eyes for Deucalion.

So the only way you can kill the beast is you cover a spear with wolfs babe mountain ash put the family members blood on it and sit it out on a full moon. That is so much for the beast just to die and I'm glad that Marie figured it out. The Argents are connected to Marie because she married into the family. Maybe this is why the women make the decisions because a woman was the first hunter.

I kind of want Parish to leave Low-key, but what ever Jeff.

I know Lydia is not Allison but she was her best friend she can help them out she has the ability to.

I knew it Mason is it it was so FUCKING obvious. Like we already know OMG.

Plus where the fuck was Stiles like he just left like bye guys. I thought he would at least be their when they found the beast.

My only question is why Corey protecting him?

That's my reaction for this week I hope you liked it. See you next week

Bon Voyage! Valet,

- Chikere 🌜🐺💕🌛

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