Crystal Reed Is Back!

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Okay people, the queen is back and I hope you prepared her thrown.

Crystal Reed is Back on Teen Wolf but she is NOT Allison Argent. She is Marie-Jeanne Valet the maid of Gévaudan. I am so excited to see her back on my tv screen on Teen Wolf. This only makes me wonder, how else will Crystal Reed guest star and how often. Will this open up opportunities for Sharman and Hoechlin to come back? I honestly don't know how Jeff did it but I am so happy he did. The only thing I'm sad about is Crystal and Holland won't be in a scene together because it is a story from 1700s but if we could make that happen it would be amazing. Lastly maybe this will bring to light that we as viewers still need to see some sort of funeral or remembrance of Allison beacuse to this day I am still crying about her death.

Laters Lahey,


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