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But honestly I feel so separated from everyone on Wattpad. Yeah, I'm friends with a lot of people, but it feels like every popular author is part of a big giant group of friends except me. I feel like I'm just here, someone that people like to hang out with when no one else is online, chit would easily choose everyone else over me.

Like, I've got all these followers, but I can't even write a quality story? I don't know man, that seems kinda shifty to me. I honestly don't deserve any of it, and I'd trade with someone with less followers in a second (though they already have more follows that aren't spam than I do---).

I try so hard to write a book, and I know it's stupid, but I just want it to get popular so I can say "hey, there's a reason you have a lot of followers,  you aren't totally worthless."

Like, I don't expect everyone to consider me the best author and their best friend that they'd choose over anyone, I just feel like I'm the dead last choice for everything. I can't write a good book to save my life, I can't decide on a god damn art style, and I'm a terrible friend that doesn't know how to cheer petiole up.

... I was even gonna play through MapleStory with VanillaWind but things kept coming up, and I feel like she thinks I hate her now. I really want to play through it with her but like the terrible friend I am, I unintentionally left her hanging for days... She even messaged me saying "Sorry I'm so annoying" and that made me tear up because she isn't annoying at all ;-;

Was that vent supposed to help? I just want cry more now lmfao... I should stop this then.

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