Someone Help Me I Could Actually be Dying as I Type this and I'm not Even Joking

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So I have sharp, severe stomach pain, but only in the lower right side. Like, it hurt so much that the pain made me nauseous and I threw up at a friend's house ;;

And a few other symptoms but they're a little gross so I won't put them here lmao

But the pain subsides to almost nothing if I lay on my back with my head slightly elevated. I s2g Allison please sleep until noon I do not want to get up.

But I went to–no joke–about twenty different health websites, and the results were consistent and scared the life out of me.

All of them say it's most likely Appendicitis ;-; if you don't know what that is, it's where your appendix swells and eventually ruptures. It requires immediate surgery and can be fatal if left untreated.

But, those are just websites, right? RIGHT?!

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