The Improvement Challenge

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There was a point in time where this was floating around Wattpad, but I don't think I ever did it! Basically, you paste in the oldest writing of yours you can find, then paste in the most recent writing you have to showcase your improvement!

The first chapter of the first book on this account, The Sacred Charms. It was written sometime in May of 2014

The noon day sun burned my eyes as I trudged through this rocky stone path to my favourite store. That store just happened to be Game Stop.

Yes, I'm a gamer girl, what's wrong with that? I'm probably way better than you at any game. That's how long I've been playing, and how many games I've played. My favourite games by far are the Pokemon games.

My seventeenth birthday was in a few days, but my mom couldn't be bothered to get out of the house and get me a gift for once, so she just tossed me her wallet and said to "get whatever you teenage kids are into". So, I got a new video game.

I was lost in thought as I continued down the road no one ever drives on anymore, trying my best to keep boredom at bay. Since I was lost in thought, I didn't notice I walked right into the parking lot. Once I looked up, however, I saw where I was and cheered in my mind. However, something seemed off. Usually, a lot of my friends were hanging out here, battling each other on Pokemon games, helping each get past levels they are stuck on, etc. They preferred a Gameboy to a 3DS for some reason, but I kind of felt the same way, so I couldn't judge.

What's more is that the door to GameStop was cracked and nearly shattered to small shards. I slowly walked up to the store. Had they been robbed? The only thing I found was a small slip of paper on the cement in front of the door. I picked it up and read it, only to get thoroughly creeped out.

On the paper, in neat writing, said the words, "Shizen Nakaminna, get the game 'Lost Silver'."

That was crazy. One, how would they have known I was coming, and two, why did they want me to get this game? Well... They must have had their reasons.... I guess I should get the game, I thought. Or was that just the voice in my head begging me to buy a video game? It probably was, so I turned around to leave.

However, once I took one step away, I felt a massive urge to buy the game. Curse my gamer side! I groaned and turned around to face the store.

A dark, empty store with glass in the doors and windows nearly shattered to pieces. No one in there that I knew of, but anyone could have been lurking there to kidnap me.

Challenge accepted.

I threw the door open, but winced when the glass shattered. Whoops... I shook it off and courageously strode into GameStop.

Woah the makes my want to claw my eyes out and simultaneously hurl myself simultaneously into the void.

What I have so far of chapter one of my new story, Tomorrow's Dreams:

The storm lurked in the distance, traveling in from the snowy mountain ranges of the region above. This was one of many storms to come and pass through us that Winter; we were constantly buffeted by natural disasters uncommon to the entire West side of Johto. The harsh blizzards tended to rage on and off for days; only the children dreamed of a miracle such as this. Still, despite storms that our homes were not built to survive, the small town stood tall.

The thick layers of muddy snow prevented us from easily going about daily routine, so we usually stayed indoors and appreciated the Winter miracle from under the bedsheets. We rarely received any visitors now, but every so often we'd get an anticipated knock on the door.

For the most part, I spent my days lazing around, occasionally helping with chores out of sheer boredom. I had no interest in playing in the snow with the other kids my age in the town, so I was left with nothing to do. Now, since none of us had anything better to do, the house was constantly spotless.

I remember one of these winter days particularly well.

The sky was sunny---yet, to the bewilderment of many, it was as cold, if not colder, than the days it snowed. The sound of children playing with the snow left from the storm the day before filled the otherwise silent air with a blissful mood, yet I remained indoors, doing nothing in particular.

When the sun was high in the sky, there was a harsh, powerful knock at my door. Assuming it was one of the neighborhood kids inviting me out to play, I prepared to politely decline as I always did. Upon opening the door, I did not recognize the man standing before me.

His physical appearance was quite unique compared to the average males in our town. He looked to be about my age, thought his eyes reflected much more than anyone my age should have gone through. His broad shoulders gave him the appearance of a well built man, but I saw no visible muscles on his arms or legs.

"Can I help you?" I asked just as I was raised to: quietly and politely. He was tense and very obviously on edge, as if any sudden movement would send him fleeing with his tail between his legs.

"I need a place to stay for a few days." His voice was deep and raspy; he sounded much older than he looked, as if he were my father's age.

My first thought was, He sounds so much older than he looks... Though it seemed obvious that he was in dire need of help, I knew better than to let any other stranger into my home on a whim.

I feel proud of myself X'D Anyways, now for the nominations >:3c


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