Lostie -> Be Sick

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This is kind of gross at some points (really just mentions of throwing up), so don't read if that will make you feel uncomfortable.

So, I woke up yesterday feel nothing less than miserable! But, my dad can be a jerk about me getting sick until he has solid evidence that I'm not faking. He just always assumes I'm faking sick to get out of something (it does tend to happen at inopportune times, so I understand it a bit XD), so I got too scared to tell him and went to winter guard practice anyways. I figured, "Okay, I'm here, I might as well try to get through practice." Well, that did not work.

Yesterday was leg day, where all our stretches focused around the legs. I struggled through it for about fifteen minutes before I knew I was going to throw up. But, I'm in the back row, and the music was loud, and I'm a quiet person. It took another ten minutes to get my instructor's attention to tell her I was going to puke. But, then I had to walk as fast as my sick body could allow to the restrooms nearby... in the pouring rain...

I couldn't throw up so I just hobbled back and tried to continue stretching, but Leslie quickly pulled me into the guard room (a hall connecting the band and choir room where our practice equipment is held), and she asked me if I was all right. I started flat out sobbing because I felt so sick and miserable but I wanted to prove I was determined enough to practice through it (I didn't actually say that, I just shrugged and said I felt really sick.). She calmed me down and had me sit out for the rest of stretches, which I'm really grateful for.

Once they were done stretching, they took a water break before grabbing whatever equipment they wanted to try out on. Bekka told me that I should at least try to practice since they were only doing basics, and to sit out whenever I had to. I couldn't even stand up with a rifle and saber for more than two minutes before I got really lightheaded and nauseous. I hurried to the bathroom again and threw up a lot.
I stayed in there for about twenty minutes, then my captain, Leslie, came to check on me because she got worried. I told her I was throwing up, so she ran back to the band room and got me water. She had me call my dad, and he didn't pick up twice (it turned out that he had sixteen calls about sixteen different claims before noon, which is an insane amount of claims, so I can't blame him for not picking up.), so she gave me her shoes and jacket because it was pouring. When we got to the band room I texted my dad then basically fell asleep on the floor, waking up every twenty minutes or so to throw up. It took my dad an hour and a half to reply to my text (due to how busy he was), and even then he couldn't pick up until noon. When noon finally rolled around, my counselor (my instructor's mom) woke me up and asked if I had a ride home. Before I could reply, she said "Wow, you poor thing, you threw up all the color from your face!" I laughed quietly and told her my dad was coming, so she nodded and walked away. I gave Leslie her jacket and shoes then Lia came to see if I was okay. She accidentally hit my stomach, so I had to throw up in the band room trash can because I knew I couldn't make it to the bathroom. Leslie got the water bottle she gave me and washed my hands over the trash can with it, the  I took a tiiiiiny drink because I knew putting anything in my stomach was a big risk. My counselor told me I shouldn't come to practice the next day if I was still feeling sick, then she went outside so she could look for my car and keep me out of the rain until my dad arrived. I had left my umbrella at home so I was slowly walking to the car under a downpour. Leslie ran up me with her umbrella and called me crazy for walking without an umbrella while being that sick. I got into the car and my dad looked pissed. He didn't talk to me, but he started realizing I actually was sick when I rain to the toilet and threw up the moment we got home. I crashed on the couch, where my brother was kind enough to get me a bowl so I didn't have to hobble across the house every time I feel nauseous. I basically slept all day, waking up roughly every half hour to throw up whatever was left inside me. When my mom got home, she told me get up, and I started crying because I didn't have the energy to move. Even laying down made me shake uncontrollably. My mom asked what was wrong and I said I was sick. She saw the disgusting bowl next to me and immediately rushed upstairs to get nausea medicine and an essential oil that helps with nausea. Now, I threw up the medicine within minutes, but the essential oil was like my knight in shining armor. I didn't have to swallow it; my mom poured a few drops on her finger and put a line of the peppermint oil across my forehead, behind both of my ears, and I think on my neck? I was barely conscious; I barely remember any of that XD. Then she said "I assume you don't want any pasta?" and of course I quickly said no. I was sad though, because it was my favorite kind of pasta from Sprouts. I basically passed out again, I think Jeopardy was on so it was some time between seven and seven thirty. I woke up again towards the very end of Wheel of Fortune, where my parents were talking about me. My mom said she had felt sick all day too, but thought it was just something she had ate until she got home and realized I was sick too. My dad said that he'd keep me home the next day, and that my mom souls stay with me if she wanted. She refused and said she'd go to work, then they started talking about getting Panera Bread. I fell asleep after that. (OH, I SHOULD MENTION THAT FOR THE ENTIRE DAY, IT WAS RAINING SO HARD THAT IT FELT LIKE A CONSTANT EARTHQUAKE BECAUSE THWRE WAS SO MUCH RAIN HITTING THE GROUND SO HARD AND FAST. I've never seen rain that hard in my life, and my dad said another storm is coming through next week that puts this week's storm to shame. I'm so excited <3). I woke up again to my brother and sister shouting at my dog. She had pooped downstairs and peed in my room. Though, it was their fault to an extent, because they let her out to the front porch during a small break in the rain since she wouldn't go to the garage. The whole porch was flooded, the poor dog was out there for a long time too ;-;. But, they were made because they both had to pick it up . Of o hadn't been sick, I would've had to, since dog duty is my chore this week. My brother had to bribe my sister with ten dollars to get her to pick up the poop, and they cleaned the pee up together. Soon after, my parent got home, and they said they had French bread and cherry pastries for us from Panera. My mom made me go up to the loft so she and my dad could watch a movie, and I walked to the toilet to throw up the moment I stood up. Once I got upstairs to the other couch, I basically crashed XD I continued waking up every half hour or so until midnight, where I finally fell asleep for the night. My sister was nice and put water on the table besides me, which I've been drinking slowly every since this morning when I knew I could hold it down.

There's my life story. Practice starts in an hour and a half, but I'm still sick and doubt I'll even try to go XD

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