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You know what's been really pissing me off? The tag at the end of cover book chapters that say "(Username) | requests • fanmade"

If you credited VanillaWind , you are not part of my peeve. I am pissed that BUDDEH was the one who came up with the idea of the tag, and now everyone is using it. I've seen one person credit her for the idea, and they know who they are (there may be more that I haven't seen but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯).

It's like the VIP cover services. One person (I think it was Kate or Gren?) had the idea and everyone used it, usually without crediting the person who started it.

You are stealing the ideas of others, and it just makes me mad to see BUDDEH not get the credit she deserves.

End rant.

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