[Insert Life Here] (Now with 2017 Commentary)

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Hey sweets! It's TSL. You know how I ONLY write fan-fics.... Well,I've made one (check it out). I'm going to do something different.. ;)


Name: Kelsey Mary Beth Frantom [2017| Why the middle names? They are literally never used.]

Age: 16

Height: 5'6

Grade: 10th

[2017| I am finally meeting this description I created in 2013. Is this how I thought sophomores were like? Sophomore year is NOTHING like this.]

Interest:Books,gaming,computer,and friends.

Friends: Allison Hope Lipton and Cee-Cee Rose McGnat

Past: Her an her parents were in a car accident that caused her dad to die. Her mother was an alcoholic,but is over it.

Appearance: Long,layered,ginger hair,wear mostly bright colors.

Loves to:drink coffee,play minecraft,and listen to pop culture!

Hates:Preps, girls with tramp stamps and rain.[2017| "I HATE CHEERLEADERS, HOES, and weather." This is so stupid.]

Name: Allison Hope Lipton



Grade: 10th

Interests:"Emo" bands,minecraft,and hanging with her friends.

Friends: Kelsey Mary Beth Frantom, Jayden Kesh ,and Cee-Cee Rose McGnat

Past:Cuts,beat up a prep,and had a drug problem that was bad. She lives with her mom and dad,but they reject her because of her choices. [2017| Wow. I just HAD to make this character very edgy and what I thought was "scene". ]

Appearance:Black and white layered scene hair, wears mostly black.

Loves to: hang with Kelsey,minecraft,and listen to BVB.

Hates: Preps,guys who are plain stupid,sarcasm,and blondes. [2017| Stereotype much?]

((I write 2 chapters per part))

[2017|These little descriptions just means I was a poor writer and didn't know any other way to give people an idea of how they act, dress, or look in general. Note to 2013 me: LEARN HOW TO WRITE. Also this is going to be a JOURNEY.]

Chapter 1

Kelsey's POV

It was the best day for me. It was the last day of school. I looked in my closet and said to myself," Something cute.. Ah." I picked out a neon green tutu,spatter paint tights,a my little pony tee,and white converse.[2017| Disgusting. 2013 Katie thought that was THE STYLE, but she was so wrong.]  I love going all out for the last day! I don't normally dress like this,but I am happy about the choice. I skipped to my hair dresser,and got two hair ties. I put my hair in pig tails, mainly because I am too lazy to put my hair fancy. [2017| You kinky little twat. I even remember how I wanted this character to look, and it was NOT good at all.]

I got done with my crap,so I slid down our banister to the living room.[2017|Kelsey has terrible etiquette, sliding down the banister like she owns the place. What a poor mannered child.]   I saw my sister and mother sitting at the table eating their nasty cereal.[2017| Screw you, Kelsey, Raisin Bran is bomb and you know it. ] I waved to my sister, Dawn, and she didn't respond. "Ummm...Hello? Earth to Dawn?!?!" She give me a sharp,evil glare and I put my arms up in surrender. [2017| Dawn is based off my sister, and I can tell you that this has actually happened on more than one occasion.]

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