Wedding Time(FAST FORWARDING LIFE)short chapter

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*one year later*

Kelsey's POV

I look at my dress one more time. I can't believe that today is the day ,I marry the guy of my dreams! I slip out of my scrubs and into the beautiful gown. It has rhinestones on the top and it flows out at my hips. It was perfect. My mother puts some loose curls in my now knee length hair. I tell her to get Olivia in here to put my veil on my head because we promised when we were kids that we would do that at each other's wedding. Olivia walks in and I turn to her. I point to the top of my head and she laughs. "You remembered after 10 years?((they were 12 when they promised this))",she asks while putting the veil and tiara on my head. When she is done I say," Yes! Who would forget?" I turn and look at myself. My mother and bridesmaids walk in and gasp. Sara starts to tear up and Grace starts to jump up and down. Becca,being the tough girl she is, just smiles and says I look beautiful and brofists me. Annabeth looks at my gown and goes," Why are you wearing that?"[2016| the girl i based this on was not this stupid] I get a serious on my face and say,"MAYBE CAUSE IM GETTING MARRIED IN LIKE AN HOUR!" She laughs and tries to settle down Grace before she breaks the roof. I grab my camera and press record. "HELLO JEDI'S!! IT'S ME! KELSEY!! Wanna know why I'm so excite!?!?"[2016|Kelsey stop you're acting like Catrific] I pan down my body. "Yes today is Skylar and I's wedding day. Wanna see the bridesmaids dresses?" I turn the camera to my friends. They were wearing long silky teal dresses with a sweetheart neckline. I pan over to Brianna and Oliva who are my maids of honor and they are wearing TARDIS blue knee length dresses also with a sweetheart neckline. Brianna says," KELSEY'S GONNA GET LAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID TONIGHT!!!!!!"[2016| honestly this is so accurate to Brianne. Uncanny wow] I run up to her and slap her shoulder and yell in her face," NO NO NO!!!Naughty BUDNESS!!!!!"

<2016 TSL- why was this chapter so short? this makes no sense. There are so many plot holes what the butt?>

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