Meeting New People[2017 Commentary]

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Hey sweeties! I'm adding a few new characters because they are the most AMAZEBALLS [2017| Stop.] peeps ever in my life! They are my closest friends! At the end of this chapter I will tell you there irl names! LOVE YA!!-TSL

Chapter 21

[2017| I actually made 21 chapters of THIS? Wow... That's dedication.]

Kelsey's POV

"I don't know. I'll think about it.",I replied,"Now lets go meet your new neighbors!!" I ran out to my jeep that I traded in for the Lamborghini. It didn't quite...WORK anymore..... We parked on the side of the road in front of the yellow house. Kayden opened my door and I got out. We walked up and knocked on the door. A curly,brunette haired girl opened the door. She looked about my age. She smiled at me and looked at Kayden. She then gave him a "ew-rich-kid-at-my-door" look. She welcomed us inside. I walked in first with Kayden behind me. It was clear he didn't like this place. It was too clean for him. "Hello. My name is Sara Flant![2017| Meet Sara (aka Haleigh)] I just moved her from Chicago,Illinois , and you are?",said Sara. I replied,"Oh I am Kelsey Frantom and this is Kayden Gooden. We've lived here for a while now." A random girl ,about an inch shorter than her walked up behind her and asked,"Who are they?" The girl looked about 14-16 and had shoulder length hair with some blonde in it. She moved next to Sara and shook my hand,"The name's Grace Meyer. [2017| I think this is Magi? I am not sure.] I am here with this girl for better education,we live together cause we are best friends!" Sara told her our names and I asked if they wanted to get some coffee. "Sure! Where to?",asked Grace. "Starbucks on Good Oak Drive. Just follow us if you need to.",I said.

Kayden and I walked out and got into the jeep. "I have a bad feeling about this,Kalel.",said Kayden. "Did you just call me Kalel? I am no YouTuber OR super hero.",I laughed. [2017| Give me a second while I throw up.]He winked at me and said,"Your my hero." Wow he was corny! When we got to Starbucks the lady at the counter smiled at me. She looked like she was my age. Becca [2017| This was suppose to be Baleigh.] was on her name tag. I gave her my order and walked towards Sara,Grace,and Kayden. Becca was at our table in 6 minutes with our coffees. I asked if she wanted a coffee ,on me, and to sit with us. She said,"We'll it is my break. Yeah you guys seem cool!" We talked about ourselves and planned another get together. Kayden said he needed some air for some reason and went outside. Those glass windows weren't tinted enough for me to see what went on. He was out there KISSING Ashlyn McGray! I started to cry and the girls saw what happened. They all got up,"Wait. What are you doing?",I asked. Grace smirked and said,"REVENGE IS SWEET." They went out side and Sara slapped Ashlyn and Becca punched Kayden.[2017| You see, THIS is friendship.] Grace just stood there yelling at him and Ashlyn. I was so glad they didn't get caught. They returned and we left. As we were leaving I walked up to Kayden and said,"I thought about it and.... HOW ABOUT NO!",I poured the hot coffee on his head and said,"Bye 'hottie'!" As I walked away I laughed and screamed the lyrics to Taylor Swift's We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together.[2017| This is appalling.] Dang I was brave. Sara started to laugh and she and Grace got in their car. Becca took off work and rode home with me. We all came over to my house. I had already invited my BEST friend, Brianna Carter.[2017| What's up, Brianne?] We had a mini sleepover ,and it was amazing how good we were all friends. We planned to go to the museum of science and history. Becca complained on how it sounded boring and hit me with a pillow in the face. In response I threw one at her and then Sara threw one at Grace. IT BECAME A PILLOW WAR!! Oh goodness.....

Chapter 22

Sara's POV

The moment we met I knew two things:1.Kayden is a jerk(he looked like it) 2. Kelsey was down to earth. All of things were true. I am so glad I met these girls. I would've loved to meet Harry Styles but you know.LIFE HAPPENS.

Becca's POV

Grace was the funniest out of the group. She would always laugh and make others do so. One flaw is that she is an over achiever.[2017| Magi, this was such an indirect. Why have we never talked about this?] I still am friends with her though.

Grace's POV

It is weird how we were going to the same school. I am sure as heck glad we met. Without them Sara and I would still be loners.((MAGI YOU AND HALEIGH ARE FLAT OUT LONERS!!HAHAHAHA jk ily))

Brianna's POV

These girls were different. They were not full of drama like Allison. Dang I hated that girl. I am glad that Kelsey was my other half. Without her I would not be whole!


Kelsey's POV

"Well that is weird psychics. That should not be floating due to Newton's laws!",I said. The girls,who called our group the Heartbreakers(so all of them),looked at me with confused look. "Wow. You are a smart girl."[2017| "Dang mami, You know who put a name to gravity."],said a voice behind me. I turn quick,"Hi. I'm Kelsey." He shook my outstretched hand. "Skylar is my name.... Wow that was a fail with words. How old are you?",he asked. My face flushed,"Are you a PEDO?" He shook his head no with a concered look on his face. I laughed and said," I'm 16 and turning 17 in October. You?" He replied," I just turned 17 last week." His charming eyes were also kind and caring. We talked about psychics and video games for like 10 minutes before the Heartbreakers wanted to leave and go to the mall. "Well,can I have your number. You seem nice.",he asked. "Oh it is (112)545-7942.((DON'T CALL THIS NUMBER! IT AIN'T REAL))" [2017| I'm totally calling this number. Give me a minute.. Yeah it doesn't work. It just says it's been disconnected.]

We went to the mall and walked into Hot Topic to find some Adventure Time and MLP stuff. To our luck we see my sister and her boyfriend outside of the store. They were calling each other "boo boo," "honey," and "smooki"((like snooki but with an m))[2017| Thanks for that clarification. That was eating me up inside.] Me and the girls all went in unison and said,"YA NASTY!" Dawn and her "BOO" got mad at us and started to chase is around the mall. We (Sara,Grace,Becca and Brianna) ran into this 16 yr old girl. She was about one inch taller than me and I'm 5'6. [2017| Dang, Kelesy really knows how to determine heights.] "HEY! Aren't you the girls who beat up Kayden Gooden?",the girl said. The word got out pretty quickly. Man. "Um...yeah.",we said. The girl sprung up and said,"YOU GUYS ARE MY HEROS!! He cheated on me with a ginger.",she scanned my head,"IT WAS YOU!" She didn't do anything to me but she hugged me. She said that she knew how I felt. "I knew I should have listened to Allison. Too late to apologies.",I said. The thought of her being gone shocked me,but then I realized:I've made good friends in just one day! They are positive and caring. My phone buzzed. I checked it and it was Skylar.

Hey. I was wondering if you would like to go see the light show tonight at 9:00. It's fine if you have something planned though.


I would love to go.


Sweet! Meet me at 152 Cornwall Road at 8:30 sharp!


I smiled as I put away my phone. "Oooooooo....KELSEY'S GOT A CRUSH!",cooed Brianna. I blushed,"I just met him though. He might be a rapist,serial killer or even worst....a duck." They all started to laugh and we shopped for like 3 hours. After our shopping spree Sara,Becca, and Grace went home and Brianna stayed another night,like always. They are my world!


Okay now lets get to it:





*not here yet but putting them here for them to know*

Olivia James-Chloie

Giovanna Gray-Ashley P.

Annabeth Moore(the girl they bump into)-Annie

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