The First Day of Summer

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Sorry that it has been forever since i updated this story.One of you said you really liked it. I don't know about my Kalel and Anthony fan-fic. I might made a brand knew one or forget it and make a fan-fic about another person. YOU GUYS CAN DECIDE WHO MY NEXT FAN-FIC SHOULD BE ABOUT!! I might do an Adventure Time fan-fic or a WULAS fan-fic. Okay that is all tanks fo yo tyme! Love ya meh sweets!(⌒▽⌒)~TSL


Chapter 5

Kayden's POV

That stupid friend of hers! I need to get Kelsey alone to ask her to be with me. I know its not gonna be easy,but I have to do it. "Hey baby.",said Alexandria. She kissed my check and smiled at me.

"Umm.... Alex I have to tell you something."


"I'm sorry but I'm breaking up with you.",I sighed. She looked shocked,"THIS IS ABOUT THAT SCENE GIRL ISN'T IT?!?" "Maybe.",I said,"I'm sorry but you are plain mean." She slapped my check,"How dare you?" I put on a sad face till she dramatically stormed off. That felt amazing! Not the slap but the freedom. I have a plan of how to ask Kelsey out...A PARTY!!

Kelsey's POV

"Come have an amazing time at Kayden's house! First day of summer from 12:00 pm to 12:00 am. 325 Frank Drive. Don't forget a swimsuit and towel!",I read the card out loud. Wow. He is desperate! I'm better at talking online then a group of preps. I called up Alli.


"What do you want?"

"Did you fall down a flight of stairs?"

"No. I was asleep,idiot!"

"I'll pick you up from your house."


"I'd rather tell you in person. It's about Kayden."

"IM UP!"I could hear her feet thud on the floor. About 5 minutes later I was at her house. She climbed into my black Lamborghini. "What is it?!?" I drove her over to my house. My mom was out with David,her fiancé, and Dawn was with Kami,her best friend. I was basically alone at home until night comes."Get outta the car.",I ordered Alli. "Sassy!",she yelled." Sorry." I handed her the invitation I got in the mail. She read it,"Dude. This is a prep party! I'm not going! "Please for me?",I asked her with puppy eyes." Fine!" I hugged her and jumped around," Wait why do I want to go?" She shrugged,"Swimming?" "I think." The first day of summer was tomorrow and I was pumped.

Do I like Kayden?

NO! I am a single pringle!

Allison's POV

If she likes Kayden,I'LL FREAK! She will become a prep. "Do you like him?",I asked Kelsey. "No....just..NO!",she replied with anger. " 'kay. Can I stay with you over the night?",I asked with a puppy face.


"Thanks. Can we go by my house and grab my items?"


"IT'S A WORD!!" This was a bit of déjà vu. Once we got back from my house 20 minutes later, we played some Xbox ,we ran into David and Ms.Frantom. "Run to my room!",said Kelsey. We bolted her room. To our luck, we see her preppy, older sister,Dawn. "Hi.",she said with a smirk.

We looked around Kelsey's room,it was destroyed! All her notes,achievements,clothes,everything was ruined! "WHAT THE HECK!",yelled Kel. "I made it better.",she said. We then bolted to Dawn's room and saw all of Kelsey's things were in there... This is confusing." You fell for the ol' thing destroyed trick!",Dawn laughed. We hate her. At that moment Kel pounced on top of Dawn,sending her to the floor. Kelsey pined her down and spit in her face. That was childish but amusing. "To my room!!",yelled Kelsey victoriously. We darted in her "room". It WAS Dawn's room,but since everything was was her room now.

Chapter 7

Kelsey's POV

We went down the stairs to get a monster,to see mom and David watching a stupid chick flick."I actually love you more than my previous husband. He was so crazy and dumb. I'm glad you got rid of him.",said my rude mother. "Welcome.",replied the man. Oh my gosh. He killed my dad. I could feel the warm tears in my eyes. I looked at Alli and she was in pure shock. We ran back upstairs,and sat on my bed. "I can't believe it!",I ranted,"I never want to see her again!" "Now calm down,Kel.",said Allison in a calming voice. I hoped up and ran to my closet. In the back was 2 large suit cases. I opened all of my drawers and put EVERYTHING in it. "What are you doing?",said Alli. "Packing."

"Are you leaving?" "Yes. I can't leave with this anymore!" I ran down the stairs with everything I owned in suitcases. "What exactly are you doing?!",screeched my mom. "MURDERER!!",I yelled. Tear rolled down my checks as I put my bags in the pack seat. "Where will you stay?",asked Alli. "With you?"

"Fine with me!"

I got into my car and drove half way there. Then I saw bright lights. CRASH!


Sowwy DAT it was so short.

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