FUTURE!#lastchapters :'( *short* (2020 Com.)

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OMG! LAST 2 CHAPTERS!! This has been such a good story and I love each and every one who read it. CUTE AS A BUTTON EVERYONE OF YOU!!-marcel (yeah I'm a directioner!! :)[Things to shut: the hell up.] ) WELL THE SEQUEL IS COMING OUT SOON!!["And then it DIDN'T!"]Okay now here is the last 2 chapters..{•TSL•}


---3 years later!!!---

Kelsey's POV

I hold my 7 month daughter in my arms tightly. We went to church and she fell asleep during service. I see a white dodge truck that was beat up in front of the tabernacle so I wasnt sure about walking outside without Skylar.[EW! I FORGOT ABOUT THIS GUY!] "Well well...",says a voice. I freeze. The man comes in front of me and says,"Oh look at Leda... So full of youth." He takes out a knife and lifts up Leda's dress. I move away. He laughs and takes Leda. He holds her in one arm and and the knife in the other. He kicks me down and I knock my head on a "HANDICAP PARKING" sign, causing me to blackout. [Hehe yeet.]

I wake up an I see that Leda's yellow sundress was red now. I scoop her in my lap and look at where the blood was,which was her back.[Thanks for the clarification...] She is handling this better than I thought.i mean she didn't cry or whimper,she just laid there in shock I guess...["I guess..." Such beautiful writing.] Well on her back it has a little broken heart carved in it. I notice my thigh is bleeding and it has a broken heart too.[Aw matching carve wounds! So cute!!] Kayden [How did she know it was him?] left a note on the concrete that said,"WATCH OUT,MY SWEET LEDA BUNNY. I LOVE YOU! I scoff and rip it in tiny pieces.[THAT'S EVIDENCE, YOU BUMBLING IDIOT!] I limp to the car and I attempt to drive us to the hospital. We get there and we get patched up. Skylar is on a mission trip in Hati so...he can't see us. I tell the nurse what happened but since I had a record of suicidal attempts when I was a teen they didn't believe me.[Honestly, this is the most believable thing in this whole story.]

We were allowed to go home after signing a few papers. I walk over to Leda's crib((WELCOME MTV TO MEH CRIB XDD))[Um. Okay?] and I stroke her brown hair. "Don't worry. He won't lay a finger on you. I promise." I smile and my door burst open. My mother comes running in with my stepdad. "OH MY BABIES!",she recalls and embraces me with a hug. I crawl onto my bed and sit with my legs to my chest. My mother tells me to show her the cut. I stretch my leg out so she can. I pull my pink plaid pajama pants up [All the way up to your thigh? How wide of a pant leg do your pajamas have?] and she lightly strokes the cut. I flinch when her cold hands touch my thigh. She starts to cry and I say,"Mom. Please don't cry. I die a little every time you cry![Straight facts, but now she cries because two of her three kids are homosexuals now.]" She laughs and looks at Leda. She asks if she can hold her and I say,"Go for it." My stepfather sits in Skylar's desk which was in our room for some reason. He starts talking about how he went to Hati once...just to get our mind off the cuttings. My mother sits at the end of my bed and cradles her in her arms. Leda opens her dark brown eyes and smiles at her. My mother looks at me and says,"She has Gavin's eyes." Gavin was my father that died when I was little. I was planning on naming my son Gavin but I had a girl and named her after me(Leda was my nickname) [How in the world what "Leda" your nickname?] and Olivia.

As my mother and stepfather leave to the kitchen to make dinner I get Leda her bottle. Her little hand wraps around my pinky and I say,"D'aw. You love mommy don't you?"[I hate babies.] It looked as if she nodded. I feed her and she falls asleep in my arms.["And then I punt her across the yard. I'm already a shit parent, might as well go to jail for it now than become an even worse parent in the unmade sequel."] Her blue onsie with little pink storm troopers on it made me giggle. My door opens once again and it was Skylar. [Wow, that was fast.]

I lay Leda down in her crib and I hug him. He crys on my shoulder and tells me he loves my about 1,000,000 times.[Jesus Christ, you must have been there for a while.] I kiss him and he runs up to Leda. He kisses her forehead.

"Now....About Kayden.."

Chapter 28 *shortest chapter in this story* [Thank GOD.]

~~15years later~~

Leda's POV

"MOOOOM!!! Where is the ring Finn[The human? From Adventure Time?] gave me??", I yell. She strolls in my room and gives me the infinity ring.[Remember when those were the trend?] I sigh with relieve. "Thank you so much. I don't know what I'd do without you!",I tell her. She hugs me and leads me downstairs. "I have a surprise for you!",she sings. She puts a sleep mask on my face as a blind fold and starts to walk me somewhere. I sense that she is walking me to the sunroom. She takes the blindfold off my face and I look outside the long glass windows. It is snowing![Wait, did she make it snow? Is Kelsey some sort of god?] "How about that snow bunny?", my mom says calm yet happily. I turn around and give her a big hug. 

"Don't worry Kelsey. She is safe...", she whispers to herself and I just ignore it. What is she talking about?[My thoughts about this entire story.]


Okay that is it guys! That is the end of this story!! Okay now I am debuting Your Parents Are To Blame (the sequel)[Me when I think about my abundant amount of mental issues] it is probably up now but idk! I didn't want to wait because I LOVE TO WRITE!! [If you love to write so much, I have a suggestion: get better. A fun way to do that is READ ANYTHING OTHER THAN FANFICTION.]


[This whole book deserves to be 86ed]

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