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Jason's pov

I reach the top floor and see a man clinging tight to a girder. The ground shaking. "Just remain calm sir." I say, walking closer. "Am I gonna die?" He whimpers. "No. I won't let that happen." I shakily walk over to him, the floor weak. "Just stay calm sir. I'm gonna get you out." I tie the rope around his waist and the girder. "Ok now climb out the window." "What?! Are you nuts!? That's an eight story drop!" He yells. "I know. It's alright. I've got you! I won't drop you! You have my word!" "I can't do this!" "Yes you can. I know you can! Now I'm not leaving this building til you do. Just don't look down, my team is waiting down below." He shakily nods. "Okay." I smile. "You got this." "Thanks." I nod and hold the rope tight. I slowly inch him down.

Mike's pov

Erin and John get him safely down. "Ok Jason, he's on the ground. Let's move out." "Got it, on my- oh shit!" "Jason?!" I shout, fearful.

Jason's pov

The floor caves in!! I hold tight to the rope. "No!!" I lose my grip and fall eight stories down to the ground. Looking up at the way I came, fire brightens the edge of my vision. "Guys, I......" I try to say into the radio but I can't move. "Jason! Come in! Where are you?!" Mike cries. But I fall into unconsciousness.

Ladder 49Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora