A Rescue Team

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Mike's pov

Jason's in there. Probably unconscious! "We need a rescue team, move in stat!" I shout in panic. "Jason! Come in!" I shout into the radio. "They're coming. They're gonna save you, man." No response.

Jason's pov

I come to, my radio crackling. I reach a hand up to it. "Jason here." I strain to say. "Oh thank God! Where are you?" Mike shouts. "Bottom floor. But there's a lot of debris. There's no way anyone will get to me." "Don't you give up on me! You won't die." But I lost my mask on the fall. This smoke is almost unbearable.

Mike's pov

We get blueprints on the building. "Ok he was in this room but he fell down to the bottom floor. So he should be here." I give Vick some tools to use to get through the debris. "Ok let's go!" Erin shouts. They nod. "Jason, you still there?" I ask. He coughs. "This smoke man..... It's getting to me." He chokes out. "Just hold on. Vick and Erin are on their way." Matt stands over the blueprints. "If he can make it to this radio room, it just might give him enough time for our guys to get there." I nod and tell him that.

Jason's pov

"You think you can get through that brick wall?" He asks. I shakily look behind me, trying my damndest to sit up through the pain. "I.... I'll try." I crawl over there ducking under a bar, struggling to get to the wall. It's hot down here. They're must be fire nearby. I lay against the wall, trying to catch my breath. Gotta get through the wall. I find a piece of metal. "Come on. Come on." I whisper, struggling to get through it. My radio crackles again. "How's it going down there?" Mike asks. "It's.... Very hot.... Um I don't know if I can get through this wall." "Don't stop trying. Think about Miranda and the kids." My eyes go wide. I have to make it back. I can't make her relive her nightmare in real life. "Hey Mike," "Yeah?" "I'm getting through this wall." "I knew you could." The only thing on my mind is my family as I dig through the wall with a piece of metal. Exhausted, sweaty, broken, but I won't give up. "I will get home to you baby girl, I'll make it, I promise."

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