The life of Jason Aldean

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Miranda's pov

"Ok kids get ready for bed." I say, patting Tanner's head. I hear a car door close out front. I look out the window and my blood runs cold. The red car. I must be dreaming!! Yeah that's it! I'll wake up and Jason will be in bed beside me. I see Mike and Vick walk to the door. I know for a fact I'm not dreaming. My whole body shudders. "It's true." I whimper as the door opens. Mike walks over very sad. I grab his arm. "Mike, please tell me I'm dreaming." I cry. He shakes his head. "We tried to get to him. We really did but the wall of fire was impossible to get through." Vick says as Mike hugs me while I sob uncontrollably. "I'm sorry hun, he's gone." Mike says. The kids come out. "Mama what's wrong?" Kayla gasps, holding little Tanner's hand. "I'll tell 'em." Vick says.

Vick's pov

I hate this. We may have had our differences but I still cared about him. "Kids your daddy went to a fire call. You know what that is, right?" Kayla nods. "Well, he saved a man's life tonight." "Where's Daddy?" Kayla asks. The hardest part of the job. "Your daddy.... Didn't make it." They're confused. "He's gone." "He ran away?" Tanner asks. I shake my head quickly. "Actually no, the exact opposite. He ran toward the danger, saved a man's life but he passed away. He didn't make it out of the fire." I think Kayla realizes. Tears fall down her cheeks. But Tanner still doesn't get it. "Miranda a little help here." I say, standing back up. She stares daggers at me. "I never liked you." I don't care.

Miranda's pov

I bend down on my knees and hug them both. "Tanner, you remember when grandpa went in the ground last September?" He nods. "That's what's happening to daddy." His eyes go wide, tears forming. The same green eyes as my Jason's. "Daddy's not coming back is he?" He whispers. "No sweet boy I'm sorry." I whimper, hugging them both again. "But your daddy loves you very much."

*the next day*

Mike's pov

I nervously walk up to the podium. "My closest friend Jason Aldean gave his life in the line of duty, leaving behind a wife and two children. He will be missed. He was one of my favorite rookies. One of our bravest firefighters. He always went in to try and save victims, whether it seemed hopeless or not. He was a hero. A great man. A smart strong caring man. But he wouldn't want us being sad about his death. He would want us to celebrate his life! So everyone, stand up. Let us celebrate the life of my friend Jason Aldean!" Everyone stands and cheers for the life of that brave soul.


Miranda's pov

The kids cling to my legs as Vick, Erin, Matt, John, Mike, and his brother Robert carried the casket and put it on the fire truck. "God bless you, Jason. I'll never forget you." I whisper, watching the truck drive away.


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