The Pole

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Sam's POV

"In the night she hears him calling

In the night she's dancing to relieve the pain

She'll never walk away (I don't think you understand)

In the night when she comes crawling

Dollar bills and tears keep falling down her face

She'll never walk away (I don't think you understand)"

I was sitting in the front row of the club, watching beautiful girls swing their legs around the cold metal poles. Some seemed like they were dancing for certain men, groups of men, and even women, as they made sexual eye contact with them. All you could hear in the back ground was the fading music that blared and blended in with the hoots and whistles of the evening crowd.

I had become accustom to these rutines. I came here every night for the past 2 months, drinking my pain away, telling myself that I would stay away the next night, only to return for double the drinks. I had had so many one night stands at this point, that I was never sure where I would end up waking up the next morning.

I leaned over the counter and asked the bar tender for another drink.

"Look buddy, I hate to break it to ya, but there are laws in California that you can't have over 8 drinks in the bar. I let it slide 'cuz I love your music, but I think 10 is enough."

"You get another fucking drink right now or I'll bust your head in buddy!" I said as I grabbed the guy by his neck.

"Aye, aye!! Whoah jackass get your hands off him!!" another bar tender screamed at me from the opposite end.

I let him go and stood up in my chair. I looked at the guy. He was a medium build black guy who looked like he could kick Jackie Chan's ass and still come back for seconds! I quickly sat back down and grabbed at my empty glass. I didn't know what was wrong with me, I had NEVER gone crazy on anyone in my life like that before. I put my head down towards the table top, when I saw a flash go off in the corner of my eye. I quickly looked and saw a short bald man aiming a camera at me. I had no idea how the paparazzi found me here. I jumped out of my seat.

"AYE!! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!" I yelled at him as I took off running after him. All I was thinking about was what my reputation would look like if those pictures came out. It would kill me if the headlines said "Sam Smith In Drunken Rage". As I ran, people where throwing arms and legs out to try and stop me, but I didn't care, I was gonna get that son of a bitch. Before he made it out the door, I took a dive and grabbed him by his legs. I found a way to get on top of him. I went to raise my fist, when I felt someone grab it. I went to go turn around and punch the person back, but I stopped when I saw who was looking back at me. She was gorgeous. I had seen her up on stage before. I stopped and got to my feet. What the hell was I doing? 

"Look bro, I'm sorry. I just got a little carried away." I said to the bald guy as I stuck my hand out to help him up off the floor. He accepted my assistance and pulled himself up. He fixed his clothes and took off.

"Oh you'll get yours!" He yelled as he walked out the door.

I was starting to get red in the face. The whole bar was quiet and everyone was looking at me. I walked back to the bar stools and I picked up my coat. As I grabbed for my coat, a soft hand landed on my shoulder.

"Hey, you don't have to leave just cuz your embarressed. Why don't you stay awhile." she said in a soft sexy voice. I thought about it and shook my head.

"No, no, I have to get going....I think I have had my fill of the bar for the night..thank you anyways" I said and I grabbed my coat.

She shook her head in agreement and walked me to the door. I turned around and told her thank you again and then opened the door. I was halfway out, when I realized that I didn't even get her name.

"Hey! If you don't mind, could I get your name?" I called after her.

"Its Cupcake. That's my stage name."

"Oh," I said," What's your real name?" 

She laughed and then replied, "You gotta get to know me better..inside and out, before I let you in on that little secret." She winked at me, "Goodnight Sam" she said as she walked away.

I watched as she switched her hips and made her way back to the stage. I wanted to get to know her better that night! I turned and went out the door, only to meet my drive in the front of the joint.........

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