Tough Decision

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Sam's POV

"Your gonna have to get to know me better before I let you in on that little secret" she said and winked at me.

I wanted her so bad that I dropped my coat and took her up in my arms. We locked our lips together. We were unstoppable! I could see the other bar tenders and bar goes watching us as if we were crazy. I didn't care! I was prepared to take her right on top of the pool table.

I ran my fingers down her body. She moaned and gasped for air each time we briefly stopped kissing. I was grabbing her everywhere. Her ass, boobs, legs, anything I could get my hands on that was part of her! I stopped and pulled off my shirt before I went back down to kiss her


"SAAM!" Elvin yelled.

I opened my eyes and shook my head. I looked around the room for Cupcake. She was no where in sight. It was all just a dream. All of a sudden, I felt something fall into my lap.

"You wanna tell me what the hell this is about?" Elvin said as he pointed down to my lap. 

I followed his pointer finger with my eyes, until they fell on an ugly ass picture of me. 


-"He hit me and threatened to hurt my kids", bar tender explains"

I couldn't believe what I was reading. I was front and center on a Star, and People magazine. I babbled for a second, trying to remember everything that had happened the night before. I knew for a fact that I didn't hit anyone. Or at least I thought I knew.

"What the hell is wrong with you Sam? You go out acting like a prick, getting drunk, and beating up people!" He through another piece of paper at my lap. I looked down. There in my lap was a picture of the camera man with a busted lip and a black eye.

"Elvin...I .....I swear I didn't touch the guy...this...this is-"

"Save it Sam! You think that the label wants a badass drunk representing them! This makes you look bad and me look bad Sam! Your gonna have to get your shit together. Either you make the change Sam, or I'll do it for you!! You decide!!" Elvin yelled. He stood there for a few seconds "You decide Sam." he finished and left the room.

I wiped the sleep out of my eyes and looked at the magazine covers again. Maybe Elvin was right. Why would the label want me when there were better candidates out there that could sing and hold their liquor. I did have to get my shit together. How was the question. I decided that I would take action starting tomorrow. I was gonna be a different person. I ran my fingers through my hair and let my head fall back onto my soft pillow. I closed my eyes and drifted off.

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