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Cupcake's POV

All I could hear in the distance was the muffled sounds of footsteps scurrying across the floor. With every foot step, there seemed to be a loud droned out beep that went along with it. I was scared to help my eyes. I didn't know what my eyes would end up falling on. The last thing I remembered was being in an alley. Had I been adducted? Was I at a party? Or was it something far worse like being held captive at a slave camp or drug hole?

I decided to face my fears and open my eyes. I was in a hospital. Attached to my right arm was an ivy that ran upwards, towards a bag that was dripping a clear liquid. I felt like shit. My hair was a mess, I could barely open my right eye due to the swelling, and I felt like I hadn't eaten in days. I turned a little in the hospital bed and tried to find the "Call" button. When I finally found it, I pushed and waited for a response.

"How can I help you?" I heard a women's voice say over the small speaker.

"Hi, can someone please tell me why I'm here? I just woke up and I am hooked up to like a million things!"

"Sure ma'm someone will be over in a moment to explain it all to you."

"Ok, thank you", i said as I laid back on the bed.

I waited for a long time before anyone came into the room. Except, it wasn't the doctor........

In The Night (Sam Smith Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora