12 // irl

172 14 20

a/n // the gif is what i mean when they meet (aaw)

"Dallon? Are you home?"

Dallon brushed down the cat hair from his black jeans, finding himself panicking a little. He'd be seeing Brendon in person for the first time since the VidCon incident - the two were going on a date to some coffee shop Spencer suggested; Brendon charmingly agreed to picking him up from his house, so he wouldn't have to walk or anything.

"Yeah, I'm in her- Brendon!"

Dallon's sentence was cut off by Brendon practically projectile throwing himself into Dallon's arms; he sunk into his chest, giggling as Dallon just accepted the smaller man, holding him close and pressing his nose into his shoulder, laughing softly in response.

The two stayed there for at least five long minuets; Brendon acted like a leech, refusing to move - when Dallon commented he simply replied, "I missed your skin."

"That's sweet. Do you still wanna go out, or, uh, we could stay in-"

"God, I was hoping you'd say that." Brendon let out an ungainly laugh, strolling over to Dallon's couch and flopping onto his back.

"Make yourself at home. I didn't vacuum, just so you know." Dallon joined him, however was cautious, ensuring their skin didn't touch. The two weren't strangers to touching or meeting skin (especially after what'd happened at VidCon, after all), however it certainly looked like it.

"Do you have Netflix? Tell me you have Netflix. Or Hulu, Hulu's okay-"

"Yeah. Did you wanna watch a movie? I can order pizza or something."

"You're the best." Brendon leaned up, kissing Dallon's cheek lightly; he smirked as Dallon went a shade similar to Gee's latest shade of light pastel red. Dallon excused himself to order pizza, mumbling incoherently under his breath.

He'd been attracted to dudes before, sure, but not like this - this wasn't just sexual or lustful. With his other relationships, he'd been.. throwing himself into things. With Brendon, things were.. inconvenient. Choppy. Messy. They were a beautiful, fucked-up, messy hurricane of a relationship already, and he was ready to throw himself into it. Guys hadn't been his thing until he'd met Brendon - well, or that was what he told himsef, at least.
He mulled this over as he ordered a double pepperoni pizza on instinct - if Brendon didn't like pepperoni, he could go right the fuck off and date Ross. Pepperoni before penises - heh, he should get that on a shirt.

"I ordered pizza, should be here in twe- are you watching the Bee Movie..?"

Dallon walked back to the couch to find Brendon sprawled out on his stomach, intently staring at.. the Bee Movie.

"Don't memeshame me, Dallon. Barry is better than you are."

"I - How do you even know the names? You know what, I'm not even gonna ask." Dallon laughed, rolling his eyes as he joined the other on the couch. "What the fuck is going on?"

"They just made a suicide pact-"

"You're telling me a fucking bee and a grown woman just made a suicide pact!? Yeah, PG, my ass."

"Hey, Dal,"


"If you were a movie, you'd be rated PG."

Flattered, Dallon smiled a little, expecting a smooth or sweet remark before Brendon literally yelled, "FOR PRETTY GAYYYYY!"

"Brendon, you are a bisexual man who has had many homosexual affairs, are you trying to tell me I'm the gay one-"

"Okay, true. I couldn't be straight if I tried. More masc aligned and masc leaning." Upon seeing Dallon's raised eyebrows, he shrugged. "I like cock."

"Strangely straightforward. And relatable, yikes." A familiar voice piped in as the door swung open, revealing a disgruntled Spencer with an unlit cigarette protruding from his bottom lip, dressed in a pizza delivery outfit - Dallon knew Spencer worked multiple jobs to support himself and Jon, however he didn't quite register he meant actual jobs, not YouTuber standard job. "Here's your pizza, ya filthy sinners."

"Merci." Brendon grabbed the pizza from Spencer, dodging past Dallon and starting to devour the pizza - Dallon passed him a ten, before slipping him a 20 as a tip, because he was a cool guy like that.

"De nada." Spencer replied, before turning and starting to walk off, yet yelled over his shoulder, "Use protection, text me after!"

"We will!" Brendon replied, staring at Dallon with a look resembling the very embodiment of lust.

This was gonna be a long night.

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