19 // group chat

118 14 12

ryross: im here im queer and im actually aromantic

patty: !!!! im glad ur finding urself out bud

beeb: !!as long as u feel that suits u bro

dal: im glad 4 u!!

gay: dick

gay: *sick i meant sick

gay: im still ryan trash

beeb: same

jo: patrick are u comin to my house first when u get here or r u gonna have hot sex w ur bf

pat: im going to chipotle

pat: also 9 and a half hours

dal: im so excited to see you aaaa

andeeznuts: pete practically bust a nut when he found out patrick was so close


dal: pete tops tho

beeb: um,,,,, sweaty

gay: patrick has at least power bottom vibes

jam: i fucked him he bottoms


gabriella from hsm: um no he topped when we did so

pepe: gabriella montez how could you

patty: did you fuck pretty much every allo person in this group

pepe: *get fucked

pepe: and yes at some point

beeb: we didn't fuck tho

pepe: i only fuck w ppl who have sexual skills

dal: u tried so hard

pat: no offense but i would be with dallon if i wasn't w pete

pepe: fight me dallon

dal: (ง •̀_•́)ง

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