22 // group chat + irl

122 10 6

i wanted to add youtubers so um fuck u :^)

spenc: hi um i forgot to mention

jon: you forgot to mention you invited more people because you're a flawed individual

spenc: ow harsh babe

jon: u didn't tell me until tHIS MORNING

spenc: !!! sorry!!!

spenc: anyway um vidcon pals are flying in later in the week but umm

danosaur, phillion, satan rogers, gayler gaykley, lame shane and troye gayvan joined the chat, invited by spenc

danosaur: ,,,hello internet

satan rogers: the fuck is this

gayler gaykley: this is a group chat brandon

beebo peebo: gasp

satan rogers: disgusting

gayrard: ,,me

trick: names pronouns identity channel go ahead fuck all of u

peep: gasp

phillion: hi im phil, he/him i am an smal sunshiney gay cisboy and danosaur is dan he/they hes my gay emo boyfriend and i love him and our channel is danandphilgames where we are constantly trash

danosaur: sunshiney isn't a word u door

beebo peebo: did u just call him a door

danosaur: your mums a door

trick: gasp son how dare

dally: trick is the mom friend tbh

satan rogers: hi, i'm brandon and i make offensive comedy videos for a living. he/him i guess and im cis+bi so??

satan rogers: also my channel is literally Brandon Rogers look at my videos or you'll swallow the good children

beebo peebo: i love him

gaymie: a hero in our midst

gayler: hello everybody my name is tyler oakley,,, he/they pronouns and im literally the gayest twink ever

troye gayvan: um hi im troye and im a gay he/him nd i make gay music

dally: same

troye: also me and tyler are dating

tyjo: aCTUALLY im dating joshua william dun sO :^))))))

beebo peebo: HOLY FUCK???


lame shane: are yall ok

beebo peebo: we've been shipping josh and tyler since forever u dont understand omfg

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2016 ⏰

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