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A/N: I know every single one of you is in the #TaeyunConfusesMeSquad and I won't even be surprised if that hashtag is trending hahaha. Don't worry I'm in the same boat too and I'll make it more and more clearer about what happened.

August 15, 2016

12:09 am

Miyun: taehyungggg

Miyun: teaaaaaaa

Miyun: teahyungieeee

12:11 am

Miyun: haiiiiiiiiii

Miyun: its been a while :OOO

Miyun: like half a month or something

Miyun: woW

Miyun: and to think of it i havent even talked to you since school started :P

12:21 am

Miyun: oh wait why am i even talking to you rn

Miyun: you're probably asleep

Miyun: what am i doing

Miyun: sorry sorry i hope youre having a good night's sleep then.

12:24 am

Miyun: my eyes are wide open and i cant sleep

Miyun: idek what to do

seen; 12:54 am

12:56 am

Teacup: I'm up.

Teacup: Sorry, I was talking to someone.

Miyun typing...

Miyun: allllrightyyy then

Miyun: whoever that is, keep talking to that person ;3

Miyun: btw are you going to sleep later on? because i am.

Teacup typing...

1:04 am

Teacup: Miyun,

Teacup: Answer this question.

Teacup: Why did you reject me?

seen; 1:07 am

1:09 am

Teacup: I'm asking a real question here.

Teacup: Remember what happened on February 29th?

Teacup: You confessed your feelings for me.

seen; 1:10 am

1:13 am

Teacup: Please don't make this question replyless just to make me think that I'm a fool for asking it.

Miyun typing...

1:15 am

Miyun: Sorry, I just didn't expect that question coming.

Miyun typing...

Miyun: The truth is, Taehyung, even if I haven't read those messages you've sent and deleted, I knew what they were.

Miyun: I'm so sorry that I couldn't tell you everything now.

Miyun: But I can tell you tomorrow.

Miyun: Location: the bridge on top of a river that's located near the Karaoke place in Ryuk Street.

Miyun: Time? I don't know, whenever you'll come, I'll be there.

Miyun: I'll tell you some things you need to know.

Miyun: Don't reply anymore after this, I'll go to sleep. Goodnight.

A/N: Miyun can you just—

Ryuk ((((; Death note lmao bye

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