You shouldn't be out after dark

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Mary Belle frowned at her niece who was busy peeling potatoes for their supper. Belle had been trying to talk to her since she came home from the 'dress' shop, but the girl didn't seem to even know of her Aunt's presence. Belle studied her niece's expression carefully. Bliss didn't seem angry or even sad. She seemed... she seemed curious? Like maybe she had stumbled on a mystery that she couldn't figure out. Belle chuckled, what mystery Bliss could've found in this small town, she didn't know. Still that girl seemed to be thinking deeply about something.

Belle probably should've been irritated that her niece had basically ignored her all day. Instead, she was fascinated. What could've boughten this behavior to her young niece? Belle grinned in a way that only a lady with elegant white hair can grin. She was just going to find out. "Bliss." Belle waited exactly five seconds before calling her niece's name again. Still nothing. The girl continued to peel potatoes as if she was completely alone in the house. "Bliss!" Still nothing. Belle's smile grew as she limped her way into the parlor. Retrieving the object she wanted, she returned to the kitchen. "Bliss?" She tried again.

Bliss had thought that going for a walk last night would help her to sleep. It hadn't. If anything it caused her sleeplessness. Since she had returned her mind had been plaguing her with all sorts of questions, each one about that mystery man. Who was he? Did he live in the mountains? Why had he followed her? He spoke two sentences and left. Why? What was the point in following her if he barely said anything to her? Why was he out at night anyways? Bliss wished that she could have seen his face. His form and pale skin was all that she had been able to make out last night. Maybe he didn't even live in town. He seemed rather reclusive. Maybe he was an outlaw of some sort. Yes, that could be it! Bliss cheered silently. He was an outlaw hiding out in the wilderness near the small undeveloped town. The only reason he had taken to following her was because she had probably gotten too close to where he had hidden the the stuff he stole. Of course, she mused, that would completely explain his two statements.

"You shouldn't be out after dark. It's dangerous."

"Who are you?"

"Someone you don't want to know in the daylight."

Bliss shivered in delight at the remberance of the deep intonation of his voice. She had never heard a man's voice sound so rich. It had come from his hidden spot, but his voice had blended so perfectly with the night nature that Bliss knew he was a man who belonged where he was. Outdoors... stalking people. At this thought, she frowned again. What if he wasn't an outlaw? If he wasn't then she was back to all of her orginal ques- "Ouch!" she cried out, her right hand jumping to cover her left arm. A small dot of blood appeared. She turned in shock and stared at her blue -eyed, white -haired aunt. "You stabbed me with your needle!" she accused.

"Yes." Her aunt's blue eyes twinkled merrily.

"Why?" Bliss was getting slightly more then irritated. What would possess her dear aunt to do such a thing?

Belle sighed. "If I answer you, will you actually listen to me?"

Bliss stared at her aunt for several seconds in silence. What was that supposed to mean? Had she not listened to something her aunt had said earlier? She couldn't remember. They only thing she could think of was her midnight walk and mysterious follower. Bliss sighed and sat down. She looked up at her aunt. "Have a been distracted today?" She asked though she was sure she knew the answer.

Her aunt snorted in a most unlady-like fashion. Bliss' mama would have been horrified. " Dear, I could've shot my gun from right beside you and you would've never flinched! Now, I've been trying to talk to you and this time I want you to pay attention, ya hear?"

Bliss felt bad that she had ignored her aunt all day. She truly hadn't meant to. She was just obsessed with the mystery of last night. Her aunt didn't deserve such ill treatment. "Of course, I'll listen, Auntie! I apologize for being so lost today. I don't know where my mind went."

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