Chapter Six

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I was currently sitting in the back of Lydia's car listening to Jackson and her bickering about what movie we are going to watch. Jackson is currently explaining the Hoosiers movie. He says it is the best sports movie ever. Lydia on the other hand couldn't care less.

"I'm not watching that." She says with sass

"Well I'm not watching the Notebook again." Jackson angrily tells her

All she does is look at him and I could tell by the look that she was daring him to say no one more time. He sighed and slammed the car door walking into the video store.

"Will you-"

"Yes, I'll go in and make sure he gets it." I laughed and climbed out of the car.

I walk in and see Jackson walking around aimlessly looking for someone.

"Is anyone here?" He yells "Can you help me find the Notebook?"

"Try the romance section." I said making him jump

"Jesus don't do that Brit."

"This place is deserted." I looked around for anyone

The phone starts to ring and continues to ring since no one is answering. I start to walk further back and Jackson follows me. I walked around the end of the aisle to see feet sticking out at he end of the one next to us. What the hell? I thought to myself. I approach it slowly and I wish I hadn't came in at all. I fall back in horror right into Jackson. It was the store clerk and his throat was slashed open.

"Oh my god. Brit we have to get out of here." Jackson says while walking us backwards

He ends up knocking over a ladder holding up the light fixture, causing the power to go out and flicker throughout the store. I yelp out in surprise and Jackson pulls me into him. I could hear something and apparently so did Jackson cause he turns us around to see the red glow of eyes. The Alpha. He grabs my hand pulls up between some rows of shelves, but I knew that nothing would hide us. I looked up and saw the Alpha about to knock down the rows and I pushed Jackson out of the way in time so he's not under it, but I am.

"Jackson, you have to leave. Go and get out of her!" I snap trying to lift it but not using my werewolf strength.

"I can't leave you."

"You have to though! Go!" I yell

He gets up and starts to run toward the door but trips over something and falls. The Alpha walks over to him and I can see him lying perfectly still. He was gasping and I could see the Alpha pulling his collar back. I pick up a movie on my left and throw it at him, bouncing it off his head.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" I yell to get him away from Jackson

He, or they, walk over to me. To say I was scared was a understatement. I was terrified, but I wouldn't show it. Standing on the shelf that was on top of me, it looked down at me, yet it didn't look like it was going to kill me. It had a look of recognition on it's face, like it was remembering something, or like it knew me. It started to caress my cheek and I could feel its claws on my face.

Something must have spooked it cause it got off of me and jumped out of the window and took off. I could hear Lydia scream and I knew she saw it. Jackson got up and ran towards me, trying to lift the shelf off me, but since he was shaken up, he couldn't get any strength.

"Jackson, go check on Lydia. Call the police."

I was sitting on the back of an ambulance as an EMT was checking me over. They had me following a flashlight with my eyes, asking me questions but all I did was nod my head or shake my head as answers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2016 ⏰

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