Chapter 1

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My feet dragged against the pavement as I made my way to school. My phone buzzed in my pocket, and my gloved fingers took it out.

Mom:'Be safe. Also I'm getting worried please reply.'

I closed my phone and stuck if back in the pocket of my faded jeans. 'Why the hell does she care?'
After a good fifteen minute stroll my new high school finally came into view.  It was a large school with a yellow and red color scheme. On the side of one of the building was a painting of a large fox, who was the schools mascot Kurama.

I made my way to the cross walk and stood silently in the group of students who were also waiting to cross. The light flashed red and we all started toward the school.  I walked to the entrance and sighed. This was good so far, no one has come to annoy me yet.


Speak of the devil. Slowly turning my head I saw my, 'best friend' Naruto sprinting toward me. His orange sweater and black jeans made him stand out, bringing all eyes to him...and in turn me. Great. He screeched to a stop in front of me and engulfed me in a hug. Gingerly I wrapped my arms around him, not really used to physical contact.

"Bella! I missed you! Lemme see your classes."

I pulled out a small slip of paper and Naruto did the same. Handing my schedule to him he compared them and beamed.
"Believe it! We have our electives together. Who knew you where the artsy type?"

"Not you apparently."

"Awe, cold as always. You haven't changed a bit my bestie~"

"Neither have you, bestie."

Naruto smiled even wider (if possible) and slung his arm around my shoulder.

"Lemme introduce you too my friends. Kay Bell?"

"Bell? ......sure."

Arm still around my shoulder he lead me into a building labeled 'A'. Behind the door stood a group of kids joking around. There was a Boy with brown hair and red triangle tattoos on his face. Next to him, was another dude who's head kinda looked like a pineapple. He looked completely done with his group, leaning against the wall staring at the commotion...I like him.

Next to him was a pale boy with long straight hair looking rather serious... Not gonna talk to him. Standing in front of the boys were two girls. A blonde girl who had her hair in a long ponytail, bangs covering one eye. The other had short pink hair, held back with a pink bedazzled headband. Both with incredibly large amounts of makeup caked up on their faces. It looked like party city threw up on them...seriously.

Naruto smiled and cleared his throat catching the groups attention.

"Bell, these are my friends. Kiba, Shikamaru, Neji, Sakura and Ino. Guys, this is Bella. My best friend from middle school who after a long move has FINALLY RETURNED!"

I grimaced at my intro. It made me seem like some bubbly Naruto like person who was all that. Which I wasn't at all. Kiba strut up to us and removed Naruto's arm replacing it with his own.

"Hey there Angel. Need any help getting shown around? Your quite aways from heaven."

"Your right. Being near you is hell."

The group burst out in a loud fit of laughter, minus Neji and Shikamaru who just smirked. Kiba removed his arm from around me and stared at me surprised. But quickly enough regained his play boy demeanor. Naruto punched Kiba in the shoulder, still giggling.

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