Chapter 8

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3rd person pov.

Sasuke paced around his room in rage. He'd recently gotten word that his brother wanted to visit him. Something about 'catching up' and bonding'. To Sasuke, this was utter bullshit. His phone buzzed in my pocket interrupting my vent.

Itachi: Sasuke, I'll be there in 10

Sasuke: hn. I'd rather you not be here at all

Itachi: love you 2 baby brother

Itachi: One more thing. I'll be bringing a couple friends. You should invite over some of yours.

Sasuke cringed and tossed his phone on the bed. 'More people to irritate me...' He thought.
His mind ran through who he could potentially invite over..

His brow furrowed. ' too annoying. Shikamaru....he wouldn't bother coming. Obviously not Ino or Sakura. Definitely not Kiba.' Then, his head turned to the wall, and it clicked.

'Bella. I know we're not on good terms , but she'll most likely be as annoyed as me.' He smirked and got up, making his way toward his neighbor. At the ring of a doorbell she appeared, clad in a pair of blue high waisted sweats and a...sports bra? Now, this caught Sasuke off guard. His eyes averted to the floor and he 'tried' to maintain his stoic expression. Bella knowingly smirked at this and leaned on her doorway trying her utmost to make the Uchiha uncomfortable.

"Need something Sasuke?"

"Y-yeah I need your help." Both froze, did Sasuke seriously just stutter. Neither could believe it but both where going to ignore it. Bella turned around and went to her room to grab a shirt. On her way back to the Raven she passed a mirror and look at her face...she was BLUSHING.

'what the fuck' she looked at herself again, there wasn't a lot but there was some blush on her face.
' getting sick! Obviously that's it.'

She turned away dismissing what just happened. Arriving at the door she was met with a stoic looking Sasuke. 'Looks like he got his shit together' she smirked

Bella's pov.

"Now, why do you need help..?"

Honestly I was confused, why the hell would he come to me for something. Not to mention he nearly assaulted me the other day.  Sasuke looked into my eyes, looking dead serious. Oh god I'm scared.

"My brother is coming to visit right now. To put it shortly I hate him," his tongue clicked ," he's bringing friends so I need someone to share in my suffering. Please?"  I've never seen Sasuke look so desperate. I kind of pitied him to be honest, he must really hate his brother.


"Really? Thanks Bel-"

"-but, I want something in return." I saw his expression shift into a glare.

"Fine. Let's go." I followed the Uchiha into his home and plopped onto the couch, switching on the T.V and snuggling into a pillow.
"I see your getting comfortable." An annoyed Sasuke groaned as he sat on the floor, seeing how I was covering the entire couch.

"The least you could do is be hospitable. Seeing as you fucking asked me over."

"Fuck off Bella." He growled. I smiled into the pillow, the satisfaction of shutting him up was great. There was a ring at the door, and Sasuke slowly got up to answer it. My head lifted from the pillow, trying to see who Sasuke loathed so much.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2017 ⏰

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