Chapter 4

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*loud ass ringing*


I slam my hand on my alarm clock, completely pissed at the interruption of my slumber. I turn slowly look at the time. 12:30, it's Saturday...why the hell am I awake. Then it dawned on me, the party. Now, the party starts at 6 so why am I awake? Because I've been forced to go shopping, by a bubblegum monster.  My phone buzzed.

Suck-ura: HEY! Fyi Everyone's coming shopping with us now! Even Kiba *wink* *wink*

I groaned at the text. I reply with a simple ok, before getting out of bed and getting ready. I combed out my long brown hair before tying it half up. Being the uncaring piece of shit I am, I grabbed a blue hoodie and black jeans with some old vans. I fed Dylan and left the house, calling an Uber and making my way to the mall.


"Oh Bella! This is so cute!"

"Ino, be honest. Do I look fat?"

"The sequence is so cute on this!"

"Fuck clothes."

After the fifth store, I had to stop. All the guys had went to the food court saying 'You girls have fun' while I was stuck with Ino and Sakura, who've commented on every article of clothing in there line of sight. I crept behind a rack of clothes and waited for the two shopaholics to move away. After, I sprint to the food court.

After my daring escape from hell I spot our group. Although, there was someone with them I didn't recognize. He had messy red hair and teal eyes, a tattoo of the kanji for love over his brow.

'Not to be a fangirl, but he's cute.'

I sat down at the table and lay my head down. I heard Naruto laugh and Kiba groan. Kiba reached for his wallet and pulled out a 10, giving it to Naruto.

Shika sighed. "They made a bet on how long you'd last, it was such a drag."

Uncaringly I sat up, and looked at the red head across from me. Naruto seemed to notice the awkward atmosphere, as he rushed around to us and stood us both up.

"Bell! This is Gaara! The one who's throwing the party later today!"

Gaara smiled. "Nice to meet you, Bell."

"It's Bella, and same Gaara."

We took our seats and I smiled at Gaara, he seems like a good guy. He caught my smile and lightly  smiled back. For the next hour we all sat, talking about trivial things, and after buying random shit from stores. I learned that Gaara had two siblings, but no parents. Also, on a happier note we both like dango. After saying our goodbye I started my leave, overall happy with the mall trip.

Though something has been bothering me, and his name is Sasugay Uchifuck. Whenever I'd try to talk to Gaara, he'd always do something annoying.


"So, Gaara. What's your favorite color?"

I walked into a random store as I chatted with the redhead, who to my pleasure was chatting back.

"Red, what's yours?"

Sasuke suddenly shoved a shirt into my face.
"Try this on." I looked at the shirt irratated, and put it back on the rack. What's this bossy asses problem.

"Go away Uchiha. The shirts ugly."

He smirked "Thats why I gave it to you." I rolled my eyes, ignoring his comment and turned to Gaara once again, who had been silently observing our little bicker.

"Whatever. Oh and it's teal," I say walking up to Gaara. "Kinda like your eyes."

*flashback 2*

I walked through the mall, Sasuke to my left and Shika to my right. I went to the window of a store, a black and blue short dress on display. Now, I'm not one for clothes, but this was cute.

"I'll get it for you, Bella."

I turned to see Gaara behind me. His calm features slightly lifted into a smile. I quickly shake my head, I mean I just met him. "No, you don't haft to."

"Its fine, you seem to like it." He calmed stated.

To my utter distaste, the whole group had stopped. Sakura and Ino barely containing themselves, and Kiba looking irritated as hell. Sasuke suddenly walked up and grabbed my wrist.

"She's right, don't waste your money Gaara." He dragged me down the mall, complexly ignoring the string of curses leaving my mouth. The group speed walking to catch up.

*End of Flashbacks*

Currently I was walking home, and annoying Sasuke next to me. He hasn't said anything the entire walk, probably sensing the fact that I wanted to slap him. Wise choice Uchiha.

"So, why are you pissed."

Just kidding, he's a dumbass.
"Its nothing."

"Your lying." He stated stoically.

"Whatever." I huffed, looking straight ahead.

"What do you think of Gaara?" He questioned

I was taken back. How did this conversation go from 'are you ok?' To 'what do you think of a random dude you just met?'. We arrived at the apartment building and I grabbed the handle to my door.

"He's nice. Not to mention attractive."

Sasukes expression faltered for a second, before returning to emotionless.  He grabbed the handle on his door and opened it. I stayed silent, as he silently glared at the floor, obviously pissed. I smirked.

"Jealous Uchiha?" I jokingly stated. His gaze shifted  to me. He glared at me and scowled.

"Not on your life." He spit before going into his apartment, slightly slamming the door.

'It's official I hate, Sasuke Uchiha.'

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