Chapter 1

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Today's the day I start at my new school, usually people are nervous on days like these, but then there's me.. This happens so often that I don't even feel nervous anymore.

I get out of bed and walk over to my closest, I pull out a pair of black leggings, I also pull out a black short sleeve crop top, I tie a plaid shirt onto my waist to tie my outfit together.

I walk out of my room and walk downstairs to the kitchen, my mom was in there cooking.

"Hey momma" I smile "Jamie?" She questions "Yeah?" I ask confused "Hair and makeup" she laughs "Shit" I mutter and run back upstairs.

I decide to have smokey eye makeup with eyeliner and some mascara, I straighten my long black hair. While I'm upstairs I grab my phone.

I walk back downstairs "Want to know something I hate?" I ask my mom "What is it?" She asks "Well everyone in our family has blue eyes and then there's just me with light brown eyes" I laugh "Are you ready for school?" My mom questions.

"Yup" I answer, "Let's go then" she smiles, I grab my bag off the hook near the door and slip on my black and red adidas high tops.

We arrive at the place I'd like too call hell, "Bye Jamie" my mom smiles "Bye" I replied and then I shut the car door.

I walk into the school and go and find the office. The office sign comes into view so I just follow it.

It eventually leads me to the office and I walk in, "Hello" the office lady smiles "Hi, I'm here to get my schedule I'm new here" I smile "Name?" She asks "Jamie Waters" I smile "Here you go" she says handing my the schedule. "Thank you"

"Dessa, can you show this student around?" The office lady asks the hazel eyed girl sitting in the chair. "Yeah" she smiles.

"Hey" she says walking over to me "Hi" I smile and then we leave the office.

"Can I see your schedule?" She asks "Yeah" I reply handing it too her. "Wow, we have all the same classes this semester" she smiles and I smile back.

We just keep walking "We can just hang out in our classes" she smiles "Yeah" I reply and continue walking.

"Do all the boys always stare at the new students?" I ask noticing all the guys who keep checking me out.

"Yeah, they're kinda gross, by the way you're really pretty and you need to watch out for Hunter Rowland" she warns.

"Hunter Rowland?" I ask "He's the boy here who plays every girl, some of them learn the first time that they've been played. Only the desperate ones go back" Dessa explains.

"Gotchu" I smile, we turn the corner as soon as the bell goes.

Our class was right in front of us so we technically weren't late. We walk in and most people were already there.

"Come" Dessa says and I follow her to the seats at the back of the classroom.

"Which ones Hunter?" I ask curiously "That one" she said pointing over to the blue eye'd boy. Dessa begins playing attention and I just keep looking at the boy.

He looks over at me and we make direct eye contact, then he smiles and I look away. Not going to lie the player isn't ugly.. But I'm not going to fall into his trap.

Right now it's lunch and I'm not sure what I'm doing for lunch.. "Jamie" Dessa yells getting my attention "Yeah?" I ask walking over to her.

"Do you want to have lunch with me and my friends?" She asks a nod, it's better then eating alone.

She leads me to the lunch room and we approach this table that has to girls sitting there, "This is Kay and Mia" Dessa says pointing to each of them as she says there names and I smile.

"This is Jamie, she's new here" Dessa explains introducing me.

"The whole school is talking about how Hunter is going after you" Kay says gossiping.

"What do you mean? Going after me?" I ask confused "Well I told you earlier, You're really pretty and one of the boys are going to go for you" Dessa explains.

"You have us now so you'll be fine" Mia says coming into the conversation.

I'm just confused, I'm not really pretty in my opinion so why would they go for me?

"Should I not try to look good for school?" I ask nervously with a laugh, "Now that they've seen you looking like that... They won't care" Kay says "Fuck" I mumble and they all laugh.

We all just start talking about the random things, turns out they are all into the same stuff as me, like they all have a younow account and they like 5Quad.

I just like how they like they same things as me, I've never been at a school and gotten friends on the first day.


It's the end of the day and I'm waiting for my mom to pick me up, I hate where my locker is because I have to walk by the group of guys and they have starred at my ass multiple times today.

I text Dessa.

Jamie💘: I have to walk by the boys, ugh gross.
Dessa😘: Have fun with that, message me later b, tell me how it goes😂💖

I roll my eyes at her text, thanks for the help Dessa.

I walk by the guys not giving any of them a look and Hunter whistles at me.

"Look I know I'm hot, but I don't need to get whistle at by a fuckboy" I smile and continue walking.

I hear all of his friends saying 'Ooh' I begin laughing.

My mom picks up from school as soon as I go home I go live on younow for about an hour.

Then I shower and watch some Tv that's how I end my night.



Pretty boring first chapter but things will get better I promise.

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