Chapter 4

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I open my eyes and realize I have to leave, I look over at Hunter and he was awake just sitting on his phone.

"Hi" I say scaring him and he drops his phone on his face and I laugh.

"I have to go" I add "Are you going home?" He asks "No, I'm not going back there" I reply.

"Why?" He asks and I roll my eyes, "Jamie.. You can trust me?" He adds and I stand up.

"I can trust you? What about those other girls who trusted you and you used?" I reply not thinking about what was coming out of my mouth.

He just stares at me for a minute, "You can borrow those joggers if you want, also I'll let you borrow a hoodie" he speaks not breaking eye contact with me.

"You're not going to say anything back.. T-to what I said?" I ask "No. You're right, why would you trust me? All I do is hurt people" he shrugs.

Wait... He has feelings, "I didn't mean it like that" I reply, "But you want to know one thing?" He asks "Sure?" I answer.

"One thing I know for sure is I care about you" he confidently says while handing me a hoodie.

"I have to go" I quickly reply grabbing my bag that has my clothes and my phone in it.

Nobody was awake in his house which is good because nobody can ask who I am or why I'm I there house.

Once I get outside I decide to call Dessa, she picks up after about the third or fourth ring.

Phone conversation:

Dessa: Hello
Jamie: How was Weston?
Dessa: Um what do you mean?
Jamie: You know exactly what I mean.
Jamie: I'm pretty sure.. Hunter saw you grinding on him and then you guys went upstairs..
Dessa: Wait.. I was drunk..
Jamie: Dessa you know what this means?
Dessa: What?
Jamie: He basically used you.


I hung up the phone after Jamie said that.. Did he actually use me? Did anything actually happen? I can't even fucking remember.

I get up, and grab my phone off the dresser but just as I was about to leave the room Weston wakes up.. Great.

"Hey Dessa" he says sitting up, "Hi" I reply plainly "Do you remember anything that happened last night?" I curiously ask "Yeah.. We uh kinda fucked?" He replied and my eyes go wide.

Did I actually do that? He has got to be playing some kind of sick game. "I was drunk?" I ask and he nods "Want to know something?" I ask "What?" He questions.

"You technically used me" I reply "I didn't use you.. It was your idea" he replies "But I was fucking drunk, are you fucking dumb? You knew I was drunk but still went with it, how the fuck do you expect me to look at you the same!?" I yell and he walks up too me and tries to hug me.

"I don't want you near me? Nor Jamie or Mia or even fucking Kay, stay away from me and my girls and pretend like you don't even know us" I demand and then walk out of his room leaving him speech less.

I then call my mom asking her to pick me up. I have the worst fucking head ache and I just want to get home and shower.

Of course I walk over to a Walmart because I'm not getting picked up in front of Westons house? Why would I? So he could just stare at me and probably get me drunk again and use me? No thanks.

My mom gets there about 15 minutes later, "Hey Hun" she smiles as she arrives, "Your eyes are red?.. Are you okay?" She adds and I nod "I'm fine"

"You were at Mia's last night right?" My mom questions "Yes? Where else would I be?" I laugh off her question, Did someone tell her something? I swear if Sean mentioned anything.

Sean is my older brother who likes ratting me out to my parents, but if it was him how would he know about the party?

"Um nothing it's just your brother-" she begins "Fucking Sean, that ass! He always lies and you believe him over me?" I ask with attitude.

"I'm sorry Dessa. I was just asking" she replies in her defence and I roll my eyes, well I have to act like I was at Mia's right?

A few moments later we arrive at my house, As soon as I walk in I go to the kitchen and grab a bag of chips and walk up too my room.

Hey, I will want them after my shower, I then grab a towel out of the hallway closet where we keep them, I grab a pair of joggers out of my dresser drawer and a white tank top out of my closest.

I then walk to the washroom and take a quick shower.


I just finished my shower and now I'm going downstairs to get something to drink.

I walk down my staircase and my brother was there with his friend Devin that always flirts with me.. It's kinda awkward because he's my brothers best friend.

"So I was lying about the party right?" Sean yells over too me while I was in the kitchen "I have no idea what you're talking about? There was a party yesterday?" I ask with an evil smirk on my face.

I grab a Mountain Dew from the fridge "Grab me one" Sean yells and I open mine and walk over to him.

I pour half of it all over him, "That's what you get for snaking me out" I smile and then sassily walk up the staircase.

I can hear Devin laughing at Sean from my room, I shouldn't have poured Mountain Dew over him but he pissed me off okay?

I hop onto my desk chair causing me too fall, "FUCK!" I yell but then get up and sit on my chair like a normal person would.

I then log onto my MacBook and decide to go live on younow, Brielle show'd me it and I have 5000 fans already, I don't know if that's good but I'm really happy about that.

I take the picture you have to take to go live and then go live, The person who first ever watched me on younow was I'm my broadcast, I don't think I'll ever forget her because she use to come and watch me when nobody else was and thought I was entertaining.

"Hii Melanie" I smile and everyone else comments telling me to say hi too them.

"Guys I have an idea, I should try to say all your names really quickly" I laugh and then I try and it doesn't work. Well I have 700 people watching of course it's not going too.

"I tried" I laugh, "Do a challenge" someone comments, "I would but I'm sick" I say with wide eyes and then laugh at myself.

I then begin whipping to a random song that came on, I was really bored.

About 3000 people come in and I get so confused...

I read what they're all saying, they're saying text Weston, How about nah.

"Guys I'm getting off" I say because I don't know how to entertain this many people, I then say all my social medias and get off.

I turn on my Tv and watch Netflix and eat chips for about an hour and then I pass out.


I woke up in tears, all the flashbacks are coming back about that night. It's not that he did anything to hurt me it's just... I was drunk and I didn't know what I was doing.

I just keep wiping the tears that are sliding down my face.. I don't know what I'm going to do about this anymore...




Jamie wasn't in here a lot but oh well.

What do y'all think about what Weston did too Dessa? Was he wrong for not telling her to stop because she was obviously drunk..

Mr Player; Hunter RowlandOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant