Chapter 3

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I just got home from the party and I'm terrified to go in because I look high as fuck.

I open my front door and trip, great Jamie. "Jamie?" My mom yells "Yeah, mom it's just me!" I shout back.

"Where have you been?" She asks "I told you I was going out with friends.." I reply "Like that?" She asks referring to what I was wearing, walking closer to me.

She smelt like alcohol, "Mom.. Have you been drinking?" I ask "What the fuck! What kind of question is that!" She yells "Mom please calm down... You're drunk" I calmly reply..

Then she slaps me across the face "What the fuck!" I yell "Jamie I didn't-" she begins but then I run out of my house.

I just keep walking up empty streets, Dessa isn't picking up her fucking phone.  I'm not going back there... I don't know where I'm going but I sure as hell know it's not going to be there,

I arrive back at the party and walk through the door, I don't see anyone I know.

I decide to go get something to drink, I grab a red solo cup, and pour some alcohol.

I chug it all, I then make my way to the dance floor and start dancing with any guy who came near me basically... I wasn't thinking.

Then this one guy pulled me into the hallway and tried kissing me, "No" I say pushing him off of me and he keeps going back.

"Stop" I yell while he grabs my ass, Someone comes over and punches the guy in the face. It was Hunter.

"COPS!" I hear someone yell and Hunter grabs my hand and gets me out of there as quickly as possible.

Once we arrive at this park I stop running, "What the fuck Hunter I could have handled it!!" I yell "I just fucking saved you from getting raped! You should be thanking me not fucking yelling at me!" He yells back.

"Fuck you" I reply and flip him off and he grabs my finger.

"Why'd you go back?" He asks confused "What do you mean?" I ask "You left, and then came back. Why?" He questions.

"Shit happened okay.. I'm not going home tonight" I answer "Come with me" he demands while grabbing my hand.

We walk up these paths and then these houses come into view,

We walk up too I think it was his house, oh yeah Jamie he's totally going to bring you too some random persons house.

He opens the front door and I just stand there for a second debating on going in or not.

I eventually follow because there's no where else I can stay...

He looks at me and I just look away and follow him too his room.

He opens the door and his brother Brandon was in there.

"Hunter? Who's tha-" he begins "Wait is that the new girl?" He asks "Yeah" Hunter says smirking.

"Don't get any ideas, I have no where else to stay for the night" I sass and Brandon laughs.

"I like this girl" Brandon says and I walk over to him and give him a high five and Hunter just rolls his eyes at us.

Brandon walks out of the room to get a drink I think.. I'm not really sure.

"Where Dessa?" I ask Hunter "Well last I saw her she was grinding on Weston and then they went upstairs..." He laughs "Oh my god" I laugh and put my head in my hands.

"I'm going to call her in the morning and see if anything happened" I shrug.

"Thanks for letting me stay here by the way" I say realizing I haven't thanked him yet. "Yeah, no problem" he shrugs and I cross my arms because I'm feeling really insecure right now.

He just smiles at me, "What?" I ask "You're different" he replies "What do you mean by that?" I ask "One minute you're all over me all confident in yourself and the next you can barley look at me and you're all insecure" he explains.

"Oh" is all I respond, I don't really know what to say to that.

After tonight, I'll have somewhere to stay most likely and I can just continue to play the 'Game'

"Hunter?" I ask "Hmm?" He hums "This is really embarrassing but can I borrow something to wear for the night?" I ask and he laughs and goes through his clothes.

He hands me these black joggers and a plain red shirt.

"The washroom is across the hall" he speaks and I nod.

I walk over to the washroom and change as quickly as possible.

I use one of the two hair elastics that I have on my wrist to tie the shirt and I use the other one to put my hair into a messy bun.

I wash my makeup off and look at myself in the mirror. I look so different with out makeup.

I walk back into the room and Brandon was in there talking with Hunter.

"She's even hotter without makeup" Brandon blurts out making me laugh.

"So, do you guys share a room or something?" I ask and they nod.

"Oh, cool cool" I shrug, I don't really know what to say, they both just starred at me.

"Well can we go to sleep, or do you expect me to stand her while y'all check me out?" I ask "See what I mean!" Hunter yells.

"Yeah, now I do" Brandon laughs "Okay I guess we are going with option number 2" I shrug "Okay let's go to sleep" Brandon laughs.

"She's sleeping on my bed" Hunter smiles "No funny business eh" I sass "Yeah eh" Brandon laughs.

"Okay you're actually cool" I reply and then lay down on Hunters bed.

Hunter shuts off the light and then comes and lays beside me.



Don't worry y'all things will get better they aren't staying like this..

I hope you enjoy this chapter... It's kinda short but I'll make the next one longer💖

Love you guys so much❤️

Mr Player; Hunter RowlandUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum