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It was times like this that made Brian O'Conner feel free, the way being behind the steering wheel of a car had his adrenaline spiked to the limit and whatever crossed his thoughts at that point vanished. All he saw, all that was in sight, was the road he traveled on and the way the buildings, lights and trees sped past him in a rush of blur.

Nothing else mattered at that one moment. Not the trouble or sorrow he felt from hours before, not the constant worry, nothing but the freedom that came with driving a fast car.

The Supra's engine roared like a caged beast as he pressed on the gas, feeling as the car gave a rough jerk and threw him back against the seat and he let out a thrilled yell. His teeth as white as the clouds that rested in the sky on a warm summer day shined with the light that peered over the horizon and covering everything in a harsh light.

He could feel the power behind the motor as it went from 60 miles to 80 in ten seconds flat.

The street he found himself racing on was long and narrow. Stretching in a straight line. His Supra was the only car seen for miles out; the bright orange could be spotted in an instant for its remarkable glow. It stood out from anything else around it.

"Come on. We'll get it this time." He breathed out, licking his lips, hands tightening around the steering wheel in anticipation.

The pedal was pressed to the floor and Brian could see the curve coming within sight fast but the confidence and pure adrenaline ran through every inch of his fiber and, without an ounce of doubt, he knew he had it. He could do it because if he learned anything while running with Toretto, it was not to fear what might end your life someday but to challenge it head on because if you don't you'll fear it forever. It will control that part of you for the rest of your life if you let it. Dom had overcome that obstacle at the end when he unleashed the charger but Brian knew that the only reason Dom got into that death trap was because of the anguish he felt at the loss of his friends- no- family because that was the type of person Dom was. He didn't see anyone he cared about a friend but a member of his family. Blood had nothing to do with that bond.

The curve was now fully in sight and coming up on him. There was no time for another thought if he hoped to time it just right and, without moments hesitation, the car jerked as he forced it into a different gear and let off the gas to stomp down on the breaks instead.

He ignored the harsh screeching of the tires and turned the wheel to the right completely then forcefully to the left when he felt the car glide sideways as it now struggled to turn and straighten back out.

"Come on!" He gritted out.

It was as if time slowed down and everything in that moment seemed to freeze.

He let his eyes slide closed and breathed out slowly, his body relaxing as he allowed his tense muscles to uncurl themselves. He was calm.

'You can't let fear control you're actions O'Conner because if you do? It might be the last thing you ever do.'

Dom's words entered his thoughts and in an instant his eyes snapped open and everything sped back up; as if it was on pause.

He didn't fear speed.

He threw it back into gear and once again floored the gas. The Supra jerked again, straightening out and speeding forward now that it made it through the curve and back on a straight section.

He slowed down until the car came to an abrupt stop in the middle of the road. His gaze went to the rearview mirror and on the curve, as if to make sure he made it through.

A wide grin broke out across his face and he let out a laugh before yelling, "Yes! I owned it!"

He sighed and rested his head against the seat. The adrenaline rush leaving his body. His blue orbs stared up at the ceiling and the smile slowly disappeared as his thoughts started to wonder.

He lifted up from the seat enough to search for something in his back pocket, only setting back down when he pulled out a white piece of paper.

"Thanks, Dom." He silently said to the empty space.

He opened the wadded paper and re-read it for what seemed like the hundredth time.

'I know you owed me a ten second car but i'm going to let you hang on to it. Its a reminder of Jesse and the work he put in to it. Its still my car though O'Conner so take care of it. I don't hate you Brian. You may be a cop but you've proved you are more than that. You saved Vince, and me. You tried to save Jesse and I never thanked you. So thanks but your still a buster. See you around, cop.' - Toretto

Brian could imagine Dom smiling at the 'buster' statement and he grinned.

"See you around, Toretto." He said back, even though he knew Dom couldn't hear him.

Disclaimer- The Fast And The Furious films and its characters do not belong to me, all rights to the respected owners of the film.

THIS STORY is also on other websites so you will know I did not steal it, it is mine on those sites!

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