Cane Andrews: You Ain't Seen Dangerous Yet- Part One

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Morning set over the garage and peered in through the window and shined brightly in the room. Its harsh rays rested on Brian as he lay on his side facing towards it and he grunted lowly as it knocked him out of sleep.

His face scrunched up at the penetration before his eyes opened slowly and blinked a few times to clear the sleep from them.

He had one arm against his stomach and bed and the other under the pillow.

His blue eyes seemed to grow brighter in the light once they were fully open and he just stared at the window. The sky was a clear blue with not one cloud formed that he could see and the rays were warm as they stayed on his skin. He took in a deep breath, eyes closing again.

He sighed and went to change position till he was laying on the opposite side. When he opened his eye they immediately landed on Mia who was facing him. She looked peaceful and her breathing was quiet. Even in the mornings she was beautiful. Her hair was messier but it stood out as it it laid in every direction

He allowed his hand to run through her brown locks gently. Cautious not to wake her up. It was the first time he realized just how soft her hair was. Though he always wondered but knew by its unique shine and body that it was healthy. So it had to be silky to and it was.

He moved quietly off the bed; glancing at her every few seconds to see if he might have disturbed her sleep and, thankful that he had not, got off the bed- taking one of the light bed sheets to wrap around his waist. He sought out his boxers and pants that lay abandoned at the end of the bed. He grabbed them and walked into the bathroom, closing the door with a soft click.

After he was fully dressed, he walked downstairs and into the living room where he found Terry setting comfortably in the chair watching TV until he heard footsteps walking towards him and he turned around to see him.

"Brian, right?"

"Yeah. Terry, right?" He quoted in the same tone.

Terry grinned and turned his attention back to the screen. "Yeah." He answered, "Take a seat." He added when he saw Brian did not make another move forward.


Brian took a seat farther away from Terry. The living room reminded him of Dom's. It was about the same size and same colored walls. His gaze went to the lonely picture of four that hung by its self.

Terry looked at him, still wondrous about him before he noticed Brian's glance was to something on the wall, following his eye sight, frown deepening more, when he saw the picture.

"Fancy pictures do you?" He asked.

Brian's head shot to the side and to him. "Uh, nah. They look familiar. The two in the front."

He smirked. "They should. That my friend is the Toretto's. That's Mia and Dom. With their parents before they died." The last statement was said dryly.

Brian looked at the picture again, actually looked at it and the similarity made sense. Dom was alot younger but looked the same except he had hair and was not as muscular his expression though was the same as always. He wore a smirk and looking into his eyes he could see the confidence and determination that they held. He had a hand slung over Mia's shoulder's and she was smiling from ear to ear with a fist placed over Dom's chest.

They looked happy; not like they were now. He could imagine that back then Dom was not on any police reports and running. He doubted he had any worries at all except racing with his father which was clear by the setting of the picture. Behind them was a race track.

"It was easier back then."

"I say so. No cops on their back. It was just about speed and love for cars." Brian's voice was low.

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