Cane Andrews: You Ain't Seen Dangerous Yet- Part Two

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The roar of engines echoed in the wind as they sped past buildings and through red lights in the night; making everything a blur of speed.

Two of them going head to head, demanding first as they pushed their way through the open streets of California. They were nose to nose. Each battling to gain the lead but was at equal power.

As the straight road ran out and they were faced with a curve, the sound of brakes cut past the engines as they squealed. Both drivers turned the wheel until they were left drifting sideways. It was a beautiful scene; cars sided by side as they straitened back out and continued forward until they slowed down and turned into a small shop.

The engines died down and they both got out and shut the the doors.

"I almost had you. You know that right?" Brian commented.

"Isn't that what you said to Dom? You know, the first time you lost?" Mia shot back sweetly but he could hear the sarcasm in her voice as she walked past him with a smile.

"I totally owned him." He followed behind her.

Mia laughed. "You keep telling yourself that Brian."

They walked into the car shop and was immediately greeted by Taz who was good friends with Terry. He was tall with long black shaggy hair and hat. His appearance was clean considering he worked at a car garage.

When he noticed them he casually strolled up to them with a smile. "Mia!" He enveloped her in a tight hug.

Brian tensed, not liking the action but kept quiet and only relaxing when he let up slightly.

"Damn, girl. Its been what? Five years?" He still had his hands on her arms.

"Hey Taz." She but her hands on his arms to easily slide them off hers. "I want you to meet Brian."

His eyes cut to the man standing behind her, obviously not liking that she shook him off. The look he had reminded him of the first time he met Vince. He started a fight because he thought, in which Brian was, that Brian was putting the moves on Mia and that same look mirrored his as he stepped forward and up to him.

why does everyone have to get in my face? He thought, annoyed.

Taz's head tilted down and back up as if examining him. "I've never seen you before. So tell me, why am I seeing you now?" His gaze found Brian's and it was like a staring contest; neither moved.

Mia rolled her eyes, probably thinking the same thing Brian had about how everyone seems to look intimidating when meeting him. "Taz, you know why we are here."

It was silent for a moment before sudden laughter filled the quiet garage. "Right, right. Don't worry, man. Only foolin'." He assured clapping a hand to Brian's shoulder than added, "You want to see the other car that was involved with that wreck right?"

Brian and Mia looked at him confused. They went to him because he had information that they needed and more obviously.

Brian spoke before Mia could, "What car?"

Taz turned and started walking to the back. "Follow me."

Brian looked at Mia unsurely, she done the same but said, "Don't worry. Taz is good at what he does. Besides now we know someone else had something to do with Cane escaping." She reasoned.

Brian nodded. "Yeah. Come on."

They all agreed that they would leave well enough alone but Brian knew if a dangerous guy like Cane was out he probably would be looking for revenge or something close to it and as a trained cop he knew to never let your guard down. Especially when it comes to a ex-con or escaped convict. They may be put behind bars but that did not mean they did not have outside contacts or even inside for that matter. Question is, who?

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