Roman Pearce, The Bold And The Fierce

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The sun casted over the wide stretch of California, engulfing the clouded sky with a variety of color that mixed with its usual orange; creating a rainbow like hue across the open country. It made things seem hotter than what it usually was.

California was always warm and even hot on most days but there was times that the summer air would drop in temperature and would turn to a chilly breeze. Though the humidity always seemed to stay at a certain level or so that's how it seemed to ex-convict- Roman Pearce.

He didn't think of himself as an ex-con. At least not of the solo kind and even then it wasn't like his crimes should have scored him on the most wanted list. At least, not alone.

No, he blamed a certain cop for that one.

Roman hated the law simply because they were all 'dirty' cops playing it on the 'good' cop radar. Never in his life had he trusted a cop but in the end that is exactly what had happened- though he didn't know at the time that the guy was a cop- it proved to be the wrong judgment seeing he was the one thrown in the lock box for boosting cars and had eight that were hot in his possession when the cops busted him. He had spent three years, give or take, in jail. The worst part was, they had been friends since childhood.

He definitely owed him a beat down if he ever ran into him.

The sun began to settle. It was near night when Roman found himself standing out in the demolition lot, where multiple cars stretched out in a row along side the walls. Some where exactly what they were meant for: Demolished. Others have not been damaged yet and were probably set up for tomorrow's event.

Clapping his hands together and laughing be couldn't help but think how tomorrow he will be the one left standing again.

"Ya'll ain't got nothing on me." He said out loud to the guys that he would be up against even though they were no where in sight. "Ya'll be seeing my tail lights."

He had complete confidence in his skill as a driver and always has. He would not say he was the best but he could leave a car or two choking on his dust. Something he learned when running with Brian before he betrayed him. It was always about the speed with him and Roman had to admit there was a couple times he could not keep up with Brian when they would race. It also pissed him off occasionally how Brian would always comment: While driving backwards: "Hows that, Rome? Eat those apples!"

Then he would flip him off just to get an angry reaction from him.

When he thought about it, Brian was like a brother to him. They got in more trouble than what was worth it but they came out laughing. He was always there for him when he needed him most- until he wasn't.

The day he got grabbed by the cops was the day the truth started to seep through the lies. Brian was a cop and played him the whole time. He left him to get thrown in jail for three years and didn't look back or at least that's how it looked and now Roman considered him an enemy. The friend status was over and he wasn't sure it was even there to begin with.

He looked around before walking to the car that he would be in tomorrow, digging out the keys from his pocket.

He opened the door and climbed inside. He quickly turned it on and put it in drive before pressing down on the gas pedal and propelling forward. Dirt and rock was thrown back as the tires turned instantly and mingled with the dust that was now in the air behind him.

He proceeded in doing a complete one-eighty, never once raising his foot off the gas but there was one thought that ran through his usual blank mind. No matter how much he tried to push it out the words just kept repeating and the image played in his mind as if on replay. He remembered Brian's words. He should have known something was up.

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