On The Wrong Side Of The Law- P3

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Came In at first,

Had bad luck

Got a whole lot, remember I aint had none,

We done sold now everybody mad at me

Tell 'em roll down now everybody smashin,

Keep ready cause you know me

bout to be a problem

hope you ready cause you know it

bout to be a problem

Darkness closed around everything. There was only little light that came from nearby light posts and bounced off some parts of the building. It was well hidden from prying eyes or if you are like Brian- hidden from the law.

He was sure the cops had no idea about the place and that they were safe, for now. So he allowed himself to relax for the first time since being assigned to the case. His shoulders that were usually tense were now slumped as he stood in front of the window of the spare room Terry had said was his for the tme that they were there. His eyes sought out every corner as he looked out into the night. He was used to being able to pick out any thing that might raise his suspicion but he found that he was really hidden. There was no car out of the ordinary that might be a cop in desguise to scout. Nothing.

H breathed out a sigh of relief. his hand raised to cover his mouth and he let his eyes close.

A cop that was number one in undercover was now on the wrong side of the law and on the cover of a most wanted poster. he did not know how he should feel but he knew that there was no going back, not unless by some mericle Dom would be proven innocent. Sure Dom may not be one-hundred percent: he raced illegally on the streets and had a record so in the end he was guilty of something so that was not going to happen.

They were on their own.

When he opened his eyes, he was met with a reflection in the window from behind him.

"Tough night?" Mia asked as she stood casually at the door, "Because i'm pretty sure that you hold a record for being a cop gone rogue then running."

Her voice was low, careful not to say it loud enough for other ears to hear and slowly she walked into the room.

Brian turned around to meet her wondrous gaze. He did not answer but thought on her words. He no doubt was not the first cop to end up being on the wrong end of the receiver for going with what he believed in and would not be the last. He heard the unspoken question in her statement: How does it feel to be wanted?

She walked up to stand in front of him. He could tell there was something she wanted to say in the way her eyes did not meet his any longer.

"Mia? What is it."

She blinked a few times and took a deep breath before looking at him. "You helped Dom. You can't be all that bad. I can't say I trust you fully but, " Her eyes were hard but he saw something else shinning in them. "promise me, that everything you did were for the right reasons. letting Dom go, saving Vince. I am glad you did but why? You are a cop. Were, " She corrected, "Why do the opposite of what you should have done. You're main goal was to bring Dom in and Vince? You guys didn't exactly hit it off. Why go through the trouble to save him from the truck?"

They were questions that repeated in her thoughts over and over again since finding out that he was a cop. To say that she was ungrateful was not the case because if anything grateful was most certainly what she was but she needed to know- wanted to know- if they were just lies he told or if maybe there was truth hidden in them as well.

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