On The Wrong Side Of The Law- P2

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'The moment I was assigned to bring him in I knew what my job was. To go undercover and catch Toretto. At first I didn't question whether or not if he was innocent or the con because I didn't have a reason except: Get in, find out what there is to prove Toretto's guilty. No questions asked but as I started out, I did my job. Only I didn't expect to start to feel apart of something more- a family. They trusted me and that was something that is gained. Then I started to question the badge and what it is im doing. I knew there was something more and so it was a fight for what was wrong, what was right. So I let out the fact I was a cop to save Vince and that was when that trust crumbled. Dom's, Mia's, the look they both gave me was the same: Disbelief, anger. Then they left without another word but Mia, she hesitated for a split second before Dom said her name with such anger that was towards him and Mia turned around and ran but I knew my job was not done. I needed to stop Toretto before he did give the cops a reason to put him in handcuffs but apart of me knew that he needed to find Jesse after crossing -. The kid signed his death sentence when he turned and bailed, a refusal of the pink slip to his dads car and then Jesse showed up. Saying he was sorry. For a moment I was relieved that Dom would stay now that Jesse was there but I was not expecting the guys on the motorcycles to suddenly show up and shoot up the house. Shooting Jesse in the chest. That was when everything in Dom snapped. The pain, the loss and the rage, came in one but I didn't think about that because I got in the car as they took off and went after them. I knew Dom wasn't far behind. He had took out one of the motorcycles that had managed to get behind me sometime after and I got the other. I found him setting at the red light and pulled up beside him. I stared at him, wondering what was going through his mind considering he was in the charger. The very car he said he was scared of. I knew it wasn't anything good and so when it turned green we both put on the gas and charged forward: Dom raised up on two wheels at first before it smashed back on the ground, never losing speed. Somehow we managed to dodge the train, neither of us slowing down and then we turned at the same time, eyes meeting and I saw something in them I could not explain but I broke the stare first and that's when I noticed the vehicle that pulled into the path of Dom's charger and I shouted his name, anything to get his attention but he turned around to late and the car hit head on. The car flew through the air and over the Supra, flipping in the air before it hit the ground in a sickening sound of metal hitting concrete as it rolled till it fell back on its wheels. I put on the brakes and got out of the car, fear pulsating through my veins yet I knew Dom was alright and when I reached the drivers side his eyes were closed, breathing rapidly and his body was stiff, as if he didn't want to open his eyes but when he did they didn't move to look at me at first. I helped him climb out and he leaned against the car. That's when I heard the sirens. I had to make a choice. It wasn't a hard one because Dom may not trust me now but I trusted him, I trusted he was innocent and I gave him the keys.' _Brian


"Get in!" Mia yelled loud enough for him to hear over the roar of the engine.

His eyes were wide as his gaze flickered from Mia, to the cops and back again. His body did not want to move because of the confusion he felt to her sudden appearance.

Mia was the last person he expected to help him but looking in her eyes he could see the concern shining brightly in her hazel orbs as they held his.

"Brian, now!" It was more of a question than a demand, as if wondering if he was going to get in or just stand there.

Without a second thought, he got up, half ducking to avoid the gunfire that had started back up when he moved. He barely dodged one as it soared past his head: Only missing him by an inch. He jerked as it passed and made his ears ring. He felt the heat from it, it was that close but he did not stop as he reached the door and jerked it open before climbing in.

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