Land of the Forgotten: Story time

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Who would've thought that the worst way of dying was like this. Like I am. You can burn or freeze to death, be stretched or squeezed. Poisoned, fall off an edge, or suffocate. Your throat could be sliced or ripped out, all those things. Yet, I must die in the worst way possible, alone. I write this alone. No one with me, or no one alive.

I watched all my friends die in what I thought was the worst ways possible. I was wrong; I have never felt more pain than I am in right now. This is the last story I will ever write, because when I put down this pen, my life will be over. 

That is my task, to write without stopping. Not even to crack my wrist or to retrieve a new pen after it runs out of ink. If I stop writing, I will die and the memories of my friends with me. This is the curse of the Land of the Forgotten.

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