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Hmm, I do believe that it was a Tuesday when we were cascaded into this hellhole. We were out doing our own things at different places, when all of sudden we just appeared in the Land of the Forgotten.

Okay, you know what? This whole "past tense" thing is killing me, well no not literally, at least not yet. Anyway, from now on I'm going to do it in "present tense" makes it a little easier to process.

"What?" I look around and found myself in a dark foggy room that was very cold. I stare at an orange orb that floated at least five feet from the ground.

"Belle?" Directly behind the orb I saw my friend Katrina with her large backpack calling my name, her eyes meeting mine sharing our confusion.

"Katrina?" I tried to move towards her but my feet were stuck to the ground like glue. I looked down and saw shadows wrapped around my shoes.

A flash of light filled the room and Aiden, Eric and Jordan appeared, completing a circle around the orb.

"What's going on?" Aiden asked shifting his binder underneath his arm. I then realized I was holding onto my PlayStation 2 controller, the wire hung limply to the ground. Eric was holding a leash and Jordan was holding a spoon. Whatever we had been doing before, whatever we were touching, came with us.

"I don't know." Katrina answered.

"What the heck! I can't move!" Jordan shouted trying to lift his legs up and almost tipped over.

The room suddenly echoed with disembodied voices whispering numerous things and the orb started to glow slightly brighter.

Die, Die, Die


Stop! Stoooop!

This can't be happening!

I want to go home! I don't want to die

HElp! Helpp!

Everyone was terrified but we could not speak, our lips had been sealed with the same shadows that anchored our feet.

The whispering ceased and there was a long agonizing silence.

"Welcome, to the Land of the Forgotten."

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