What it is

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I should probably start making sense or there will be no chance of remembrance. I'll start with explaining what "the Land of the Forgotten" is. In advance i'm sorry for any grammatical errors because I am in a rush. The Land of the Forgotten is a place, a very very dark place that no one escapes. All who go here are to stay for the rest of their short lives.

All who are put here are here for a reason; someone who remains anonymous cursed my friends and I here. I hope this person has a good reason for it too. Because of that person, I watched my friends go past their breaking point, suffer, and die in gruesome terrible deaths. I heard their screams their final words, words that never should've been spoken so soon, filled with such agony and fear.

What did we do to deserve this? Why must we die and if that wasn't enough, to be erased from every person's memory as if we never existed? I'm sorry, I'll continue. The Land of the Forgotten is also a place with a series of puzzles, riddles, and tasks. Each one focuses on a person's fear, talent, and weakness. The weak ones are picked off first, leaving the strongest crippled and heartbroken.

Apparently, I was the strongest. I don't see how or why. Right now, I feel so weak so broken and confused. Why did I have to be the last one? I thought for sure I was the weakest of all my friends. Again, I was wrong. I was wrong for so many things I wish I could apologize but of course, my words will only land on dead ears. Not deaf...dead. It's too late for any of that; it's too late for everything.

I wonder how old this pen is, how much ink is left in it. I hope a lot. Sorry, I ran out of words, I have to start spitting out nonsense until I regain my train of thought. Uh, I had a cat back in the real world. He was so cute, soft and very nice. Whenever I had a nightmare, he would snuggle up by my neck and purr so I wouldn't have to listen to the terrifying silence. I miss him so much, but I know when this pen runs out he won't miss me.

Oh I remember now, I was explaining to you what the Land of the Forgotten was, ironic isn't it? No? Okay, sorry. This must feel like I'm breaking the fourth wall or something but I can't help it, I must not stop writing or all my friends' deaths and suffering will be in vain and so will my death, and so I write. I write until my joints stiffen and my pen breaks.

Anyways, when you walk through the halls of the Land of the Forgotten, there is mist and fog everywhere. There is no light at all, except an orb that is small and glows a soft orange light. Which is like a guide through the endless and deadly maze. Every four way intersection (we called it a checkpoint) there is a challenge or whatever you want to call it, I have no words at this moment to describe it correctly. I might think of one later when I map out exactly what happened.

Of course, I can't do that until I introduce you to my group of friends that have died along the way. However, back to the current task, at the checkpoint, we would be teleported (transported?) into a room that was a small black cube of nothingness and the orb or the "guide" as we called it, would instruct one person to do a task. If he or she didn't do it, failed or whatever else, would be killed and the others would be forced to watch. Then their body would be put into a "magic" sack and a person would be forced to carry it.

Whenever we reached another trial, the bag would disappear and the bodies of our friends would be displayed on the floor exactly how they died. It was strange very strange. The fact that we could see each other perfectly even with no light at all.

The whole thing is strange; even now, I can't seem to figure out what is happening. Is this some kind of trick or a lucid dream? Maybe this was a whole set up to teach all of us a moral lesson. I'm not sure, I'm not sure of anything anymore. The only thing I am certain of is that I have to keep writing, I cannot stop. For my friends, for their memory and for my life.

Where were we? Oh yea, the bodies. Actually, you know what? I think you know enough about the Land of the Forgotten. Let's go on to my friends

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