What do we do?

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Jordan sat on the ground tears running down his cheeks yelling in pain. His arm...I can still smell it now, his arm had a rip from his elbow to his wrist. It was so deep you could see bone. Most of the wound was cauterized and the skin bubbled around the gash. But there was still blood. There was so much blood. It smeared on his arm and drenched his white t-shirt. It pooled on the ground getting on everybody's shoes.

Katrina suddenly got on the ground throwing her backpack to the side and tore off her sweatshirt tightly pressing it to his arm.

Jordan screamed in pain but Katrina kept a tight grip on the gaping wound. Soon her gray sweatshirt was drenched in blood.

"Oh God!" I yelled trying to not throw up from the revolting smell of burning flesh. My heart racing at lightning speed and my eyes wide in horror.

"Crap!! What do we do?!" Aiden shouted holding onto Jordan keeping him elevated. The bottom half of his shirt was now drenched in a diagonal slant and it stuck to his skinny torso.

Eric suddenly threw his hand on the wall and his stomach emptied in a loud gurgly burp. The vomit mashes with the smell of Jordan's arm and it's all i can manage to not throw up myself.

"Oh God! Oh God! It hurts! IT HURTS!" Cried Jordan in anguish.

"Everybody calm the FrUk down!" Katrina shouted over all the panicked screams.

All sounds ceased except the voices coming from the fog and Jordan's whimpering.

"Alright!" Katrina breathed out, "Every one just take a breath."

For a brief moment we breathed in the nauseating air trying to calm ourselves down.

Katrina squeezed her blood drenched sweatshirt harder on Jordan's arm making him scream and writhe.

"Jordan, don't move!" She instructed, "Belle, In my backpack i have an extra shirt. I need you to take it out and rip it in half."

I kneel down and hastily open her backpack pawing through multiple items. "Why does she have so much stuff in her backpack?" I think to myself but i didn't really ponder on it for long Jordan's ear piercing screams persisted me to look faster.

Soon I find a blank green T-shirt and pull it out fast taking some various items out along with it and they scattered onto the floor. I take the shirt and tug at it as hard as i can and soon it tears in half and I hold it out to Katrina.

At lightning speed she rips off the sweatshirt on Jordan's arm and blood started gushing out again and grabs the shreds of cloth. Quickly and tightly, making Jordan scream in pain, she wraps the shreds around his red, sticky arm and triple knots. She takes both of her equally bloodied hands and uses her entire weight to push down his arm.

Jordan screams so loudly that it echoed through the halls ringing our ears. He starts sobbing and punching the ground with his good hand.

"Stop!! Stop!!! Oh God it HURTS! It FREAKING HURTS!" He cried out his eyes shut tightly with tears dripping down in floods.

"Just hold on Jordan it's almost done. Just stay awake!" Katrina said focused on stopping the rapid bleeding.

The green cloths darken with blood but are not drenched like Katrina's sweatshirt. Katrina lets out her breath and slowly takes her hands off of Jordan's arm.

"I think, I think it stopped bleeding." She said examining his arm looking for signs of any bleeding. She wiped her forehead leaving a large smear of blood. Jordan laid on the ground crying clutching his arm. His face was frighteningly pale and his whole body was shaking and i feared him throwing up on himself. Aiden took of his shirt and did his best to smear all the blood off of Jordan. He took his good hand while cleaning him, trying to comfort and calm him down.

Katrina picked up the items that had fallen out of her backpack and stuffed them back in. She examined her once gray sweatshirt that now dripped with blood and put it in a separate pocket from all her other things.

Jordan just stayed there staring up at the blackness his eyes full of pain and terror. His arm was held tightly to his chest as if he feared it would fall off. Streams of sweat trickled down from his forehead and neck adding a pungent smell to the the intoxicating air. He attempted to get up but he just slumped back down completely drained.

I help him up slowly and once he was standing I wrap my arms tightly around his torso burying my head in his chest frightened that I almost lost my best friend.

Jordan hugs me back with his good arm and then pulls away. He looks so weak, he's trembling and holds his arm to his chest. His face pale as a sheet of paper and it looks like a small breeze could topple him over.

I look over my shoulder to see Eric still bracing an arm on the wall hunched over. I walk over to him and put a hand on his back.

"You okay?" I asked him trying not to retch at the smell of vomit that laid half on the ground and the other spilled all over his Nike shoes.

"No, but I'll be okay." He said slowly straightening his back.

"Hey, Eric." Katrina shouted getting eric's attention and threw him a pack of gum. He thanked her, wiped his mouth and stuck five pieces in quickly as Aiden put back on his no longer white shirt that was dripping in blood.

A low chuckle formed from behind us and grew into a laughter that was pure evil. We all looked at our guide that shined slightly brighter with each laugh.

"What's so funny?" Aiden yelled anger filled his eyes.

"How determined you are to save your friend. Death and pain is this land's companion. Your own deaths will be prolonged with torture and no one will be saved. Bleeding to death would have been the most merciful there is in the Land of the Forgotten." It chuckled coldly.

OWWWW!!!..................................................................................sorry, okay i'm back. My cramps just keep getting worse. It feels like my wrist is about to snap. I wish I was both handed so I could quickly switch my pen to my left hand and give this hand a break. I fear that this pen is running out of ink. I can't think about it though, if i do I might panic. Alright, sorry, back to the story.

"What were we supposed to do? Just watch him suffer and die?" Katrina yelled waving her arms as if she was giving an angry speech.

"Yes." Our soulless guide responded, "Come, you are late for your first challenge, Aiden."

"Me?" Aiden asked. Everyone looked at Aiden in confusion and then back at the unforgiving orange glow of our guide.

"You are the first to be tested. You may die, you may not. If you complete the task you are given, you live for a while longer and then you will be tested again."

Test! That's the word he used! Sorry, momentary break. I'm getting emotional just writing this down..................alright let's continue.

"Why me?" He asked his face contorted with confusion.

"Enough questions." The orb threatened turning slightly brighter, "You will now follow me or you will die." It then moved forward, further into the dark chambers.

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