A Mad Rush Of Words

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No, I can't stop, I just started um um think of something anything. The little girl ran up the hill trying to catch her kite that was quickly flying away from her grasp. This has always been my go to free write, I may do that several times maybe, I don't know. I'm sorry if this isn't the neatest thing you have come across. But I can't stop to fix my errors or to think, I have to keep writing.

I have to keep going, I cannot stop writing until I pen down everything that has happened. In hopes of not being forgotten even if we are only remembered as fictional characters on a on a... what's that word don't stop writing don't don't don't oh what is it what is it oh oh! In hopes of not being forgotten even if we are only remembered as fictional characters on a lonely website buried deep inside the internet.

It may seem weird to you that I can't even remember the name of the the the the um, uh words uh.....thing yeah, thing that consumes pretty much anybody's day. That world seems so distant, like a book that I had read once when I was a child, and from time to time I reflect on it thinking, 'that was a strange book'.

Life, I only have so long to live. Even so, is this even living? Writing down any and every thought madly as it pops up. My other stories have been a straight line with a mature plot and carefully thought out developed characters. However, this has no time for thought, no time for wordiness or clever jokes. Just the mad rush of words put together in jumbled sentences and thrown together as a worthless story that is more confusing than the bible.

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