About me...and all my dead friends

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Hmm where do we start...can't stop think think think. Have you ever noticed how hard it is to think while writing and I don't mean typing or copying notes, I mean handwriting something down without knowing what to say next? It's hard, you write so fast and have to concentrate on each letter to make sure they're legible and that the sentence makes sense.

Ah! I know who to start with, myself. After all, that doesn't require much thought and writing a couple things down about myself will help both of us.

My name is Annabelle, some people call me Annie, and others call me Belle. I don't care which one as long as you don't call me Rupert...long story that I may have to tell you later if I began to run out of things. My full name is Annabelle Riley Davidson and I'm or was a junior in high school. I'm sixteen years old or at least I think. There are no clocks in the Land of the Forgotten and no means of keeping time. It's nonexistent, like I will be in a short while.

Ow...ouch...............don't stop................................sorry my wrist is cramping I have to keep writing even if they are just dots.......................okay i'm good. Back to my...my....biography? Yeah sure. I'm short for my age just five feet and three inches, and I'm skinny due to lack of food. All of my friends before they died became very skinny because we had no food except for what little rations the orb gave us. (They were not very tasty. Not that we were complaining).

I have dark brown hair that some people mistake as black. It's long, reaches down to my waist, and is very thin. Not the most attractive hair in the world. I'm not the most attractive person either. I have a big nose and my eyes are the color of thrown up grapes, which just means they're pale blue with some pale green. But, it's okay because they're covered up by huge geek glasses that I'm strangely very proud of, even though through the course of events the left lens broke which is bad because that was my good eye.

Hmm....do I want to move on to a different person or dwell a little longer on myself. You know what...I'm almost never selfish; I think I can now just be for once. In addition, it's not as if you'll ever hear or remember anything else about me, might as well just write it down.

I was in the school's band as was everybody else who was damned in the place with me. I played the flute, yes I know, very generic but also very complicated. But, thanks to years of trilling and lightning fast scales, I've become a very fast writer and since writing is now my survival, I think those years of being a woodwind payed off.

I'm a geek if you haven't noticed by now and can be a little cowardly at times. So strange, usually the hero of the story is brave and strong but instead you get a cowardly, four eyed, teenage girl. Not every superhero wears capes, right? Ah, who am I kidding? I'm no hero. All right, I think I've had enough spilling my guts about myself. Hmmm......

I guess I'll start with Aiden. Now don't be fooled. Aiden's name is pronounced like "Iden", he used to hate it when people got his name wrong. He was a trombone player and also a junior; we had been friends since 6th grade when we met in our first band class. He was tall with blue eyes and had dusty brown hair that swept across his forehead making him do that classic "hair flip" every so often.

He was kind and had great humor; he could always make you laugh on a terrible day. I could use a laugh right now, something to distract me from my aching wrist. You could always find him with his nose stuck in a notebook writing in ciphers. He's made over thirty different ciphers and each one more unbreakable than the last. He was crazy smart and a little mysterious. He'd write in his ciphers so often that he would forget how to write in English and his papers would be a mix of strange symbols and the alphabet.

Moving on to my next dead friend, Eric. Eric was a senior 17 years old and played the Alto Saxophone. He used to dream to be a racecar driver like his dad, but his dreams were crushed when he went blind in his right eye from the car accident that killed his father. From then on he would always wear sunglasses even inside and at night (cue music), in embarrassment of his one cloudy eye that hanged lazily in the corner.

He was very tall and had black fuzzy hair and even though half blind, he was a star player in our basketball team. Even so, almost everybody hated him for being black in a mostly white school.

Nevertheless, as usual band was his escape from all the torment. Many people don't understand the bond band members have with their classmates. It's just proof that music can connect even the most unlikely of people together.

He wasn't the smartest but, he definitely had the quickest and safest instincts that later saved our lives once or twice, even if it was useless in the end. Either than that there isn't much to say about Eric, after all he is dead.

Jordan, Jordan was a good friend of mine. We go back to elementary school and he was practically my brother. We grew up together being neighbors and at one time, we dated for a few months. But, later we both agreed that we were much better just being friends. Luckily, our friendship wasn't hurt because of that. He was a junior and was 16 years old. He played the Tuba and he was and always will be the best Tuba player our high school has ever seen.

He was short for his age just a few inches taller than I was. He died his hair black, and pathetically gelled his short hair upward into a resemblance of a Mohawk and died that part red. He had blue-green eyes and always wore shorts no matter the weather. I swear if I weren't his friend, I would have thought that he was crazy.

However, I'm pretty sure he was during some days. Like the one time when he lit a lollipop on fire, threw it into a pile of bubble wrap, used two full cans of whip cream to cover it all and threw ice at it. He was not a pyro, he was actually very afraid of fire, so ironic. Though I must say it was pretty funny when he singed his eyebrows off after the lollipop.

Despite his appearance, he was the nicest guy a person could ever know. He was the person who would help a random mom in a grocery store with her bags or if a freshman dropped their stuff, he would pick them up. But, sadly his kindness and love for others is what killed him, if only he could have been selfish for once in his life and he might've lived a little while longer.

Oh, crap crap.............................................................okay sorry, I'm good. Ouch, that was the worst cramp yet. I feel like I've been writing forever, pages are littered on the floor all around my chair. When I finish with a paper, I have to quickly push it away so I can keep writing on the next page. I can't stop; I haven't even started telling you how it exactly went down. Okay sorry i'm done ranting, on to the next and last person on our list.

Katrina, she and I are polar opposites. I'm pessimistic and she was as optimistic as a freakin butterfly. She was my age and grade and she played many instruments. But in band, she just mostly played the baritone.

I didn't know she could play the piano or sing until the trial that ended her life happened. She had sandy dark blonde hair with hazel eyes that would change colors. (That freaked the heck out of me). She had geeky glasses like mine, but they were more like hipster glasses than anything. Actually, she was pretty much a watered down hipster.

She always wore jeans and black gym shoes that were way too old. No matter what, she always mismatched her socks in the most outrageous ways possible. She was very calm in every situation even once this all happened. She was a black belt in karate and let me just say, i would not want to be on her bad side. Even though, she really doesn't have one, she's always so nice and kind just like Jordan. She puts everybody before herself no matter what.

All right then, that's everyone. All my dead friends, and me, yay. What's next? Um....Uhh....how about we just cut to the chase here. Let me tell you how it all exactly happened, from the beginning to now.

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