Chapter 1

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Alfred sits at the table for the world meeting writing in a journal and wiggling in his seat.

July 4th, 2015

Today's the day. My body finally turned 18. I'm so nervous. I'm going to tell Ivan how I feel. Katyusha and Natalia keep telling me that Ivan feels the same. But I'm still nervous. Ivan hasn't seemed to feel the same way but his sisters say I'm just over thinking it. I hope they're right.

Alfred stops writing when more people come in. Today is Alfred's birthday. The only people who say anything are his parents, brother, and Ivan's sisters. But he doesn't mind, all that matters is that he talks to Ivan. More people walk in and Alfred begins to get nervous when Ivan doesn't walk in. 'Come on Ivan where are you?' Matthew leans over and rubs Alfred's back. "It's ok Alfred. He'll show up." Alfred gives a small smile and turns back to watching the door. When Ludwig stands up and starts the meeting Alfred gives a defeated sigh. "Wait!" Everyone looks at the door as Ivan comes running in with a box in his hands. "My apologies, I had something to do." He then moves over to his chair next to Katyusha and sits down as the meeting starts back up.

Alfred fidgets in his seat as the meeting goes on. Yes he cared about international relationships and trade but right now he had something else on his mind and that something else was sitting across the table and down three seats. 'Come on Ludwig. We've been talking for 3 hours, can't the meeting be over now.' Matthew notices his brothers anxiousness and throws a glance at Arthur. He quickly gets the signal and stands up. "As much as I enjoy talking with you people I would much rather be home right now." Ludwig is about to yell when Feliciano speaks up. "He's right Luddy. We've been here a long time and everyone is tired." Ludwig sighs. "This months meeting is over. We will be meeting in China next month." He gathers his stuff grabs Feli and leaves. Alfred jumps up excited but doesn't move. Yao and Gilbert are currently talking to Ivan and he would rather have there conversation be private.

30 minutes. They were talking 30 minutes. Everyone but Alfred's and Ivan's family have left. Alfred closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "Amerika." Alfred's eyes shoot open as he look's at Ivan. "Y-yes?" "My sisters told me today was your birthday. Da?" "Y-yeah it is." Alfred wipes his forehead. "Well I got you something. Come here." Alfred gives a shy smile and grabs his journal as he walks over to Ivan. 'He knew it was my birthday and got me something. I don't care that he got me something he knew it was my birthday. He cares.' When Alfred is standing next to Ivan he grabs the box and opens it. Inside side was a cake that said happy birthday. "Wow Ivan. Thanks. I can't belie..." WHAM! "Happy birthday you capitalist pig." Alfred shakes as he lifts his head back up. His glasses are completely shattered and his nose is broken. He can see the blood and glass shards where his face was slammed into the cake as Ivan stands behind him laughing. Alfred holds back tears as he feels something inside break as the realization hits him. 'Ivan hates me. How did I not see it? Why was I so stupid to think he felt the same.' All at once the tears began to fall and Alfred ran from the room crying.

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