Chapter 3

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Ivan stands at the foot of the bed just looking at America, no Alfred, that's his name. It hurts him so much that he did this. Alfred lays unconscious in the bed with casts and bandages on most of his body and what wasn't covered had wires or needles attached to him. "This is all my fault. I'm sorry Ameri... Alfred. I never meant for this to happen." The silence that answers is deafening and Ivan starts to cry as the door burst open. Canada comes running in. "No. No! NO!" He turns to Ivan and punches him. "YOU SAID YOU WOULD MAKE THIS BETTER YOU FUCKING COMMIE! NOW LOOK AT MY BROTHER! HE'S IN A FUCKING COMA BECAUSE IF YOU!" Canada keeps hitting Ivan until France and England run in and pull him off a cowering Ivan. "Matthew we are all upset but beating up Ivan is not going to solve anything, now stop!" "But look at what that bastard did to Alfred. He's in a coma." "I didn't mean for this to happen." Matthew glares at him and jerks out of his parents grasp. "I need to get something." He storms out of the room as Arthur and Francis sigh. "I never meant to hurt Alfred. I thought we were just playing. I didn't mean for this to happen." Ivan is crying while Arthur and Francis look at him. "You are just a child aren't you?" Ivan blinks as Arthur walks towards him. "A bloody child and now my son is in the hospital because of you!" Ivan backs away. "I didn't mean to hurt Alfred. I thought we were playing a game. I'm sorry." "Sorry won't bring my son back!" "Stop yelling at me!" England stops when he notices that Ivan is crouched on the ground with his hands over his head. He growls and leaves the room with France right behind him. Ivan gets back up and sits next to Alfred's bed. "If you can hear me please wake up. I never meant for you to get hurt Alfred. " All that Ivan gets is silence and it hurts.


Matthew comes back a few hours later to see Ivan sleeping next to the hospital. "Get up you commie bastard." Ivan jumps as he is kicked. Matthew glares at him and throws a large box in his lap along with an old book. "What are these for?" "These are going to show you how much you hurt Alfred." Ivan gives a confused look. "You are going to look through that box and book and see exactly what you did my brother and I hope it tears you apart you communist bastard." Matthew glares at him and leaves the room. Ivan watches and him leave and opens the box. Inside is a bunch of dead sunflowers, dirty, empty, and moldy tupperware containers, a very expensive looking bottle of vodka with a ribbon around the neck,  a shattered picture of a smiling Alfred with writing on it, and a hand made Cheburashka plush. Ivan sets the box down and looks at the book. He freezes when he sees that it's Alfred's journal. The one he had been keeping ever since he was a tiny colony

Written Through Timeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें