Chapter 4

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Ivan sets the box on the floor and tentatively opened Alfred's journal and begins to read. The first couple of pages are about what it's like growing up in his family. Ivan smiles at the child's scribbled handwriting until he gets to a certain page.

  August 15th, 1612 

This new guy came over to talk to Daddy and Papa today. He was really tall. I bet he can reach the sky. I like the sky. I wish I could touch it like him. He was wearing this really long scarf and coat. I thought it was weird since it was so warm out but maybe he was cold. His hair was almost white and it looked really cool. His eyes also looked like Mittie's that was so cool. Mattie's eyes are awesome. I wish my eyes looked like his instead of this boring blue, Daddy and Papa say I should stop complaining about my eyes because they look like the sky. Now that I think about it my eyes are better because they look like the sky but Mattie's eyes are still cool. But they looked even better on the guy that came today. I hope we can become friends. The man said his name was Russia I think but Daddy and Papa called him Ivan. I like that name much better. If he comes back again that's what I'm going to call him.

December 3rd, 1620

He came back. Ivan came back. I was really excited when Daddy and Papa said he was coming. I'm confused though. He keeps calling me America or Amerika, I can't tell. Doesn't he know my name is Alfred.

Ivan frowns and keeps reading. He gets past the parts about Alfred gaining his independence and gets into his more recent history.

April 6th, 1917

Today is my first world meeting. I hope I don't mess it up. Ivan was here and I really tried to impress him. I had moved past wanting to be friends with him when Mattie pointed out that it had turned into a crush. But I don't think my attempts to impress him went well. He kept calling me a Capitalist bastard. Maybe it's a game. I like games. 

I don't know if it's a game. I called Ivan a Communist bastard and he didn't look to happy but he kept playing so I guess it's alright. 

April 23rd, 1917

I met these two girls today. One was very nice while the other one was a little scary. But I'm the hero so I can't be scared, unless it's a ghost but don't tell anyone. The lady with short  hair said her name was Katyusha and the scary one was Natalia. Apparently they're Ivan's sisters. I hope I make a good impression. I think Katyusha likes me but Natalia not so much.  I actually  had a really good conversation with them. I think they both know that I like Ivan. Katyusha seemed really happy but Natalia looked like she wanted to kill me. I like them I hope we can be friends.

Ivan stops. His sister were friends with him. 'Why did they never tell me.'

June 7th, 1917

I've been hanging out a lot with Ivan's sisters. They're really nice, even Natalia after you get passed her obsession. Katyusha has been telling me a lot about Ivan and how she would call him little snowflake and Venya. I really like those names. I hope I can use then some day.

August 12th, 1917

Natalia and I were hanging out today, just us, and she said the most surprising thing. We were just walking through a park when we saw a family of ducks and she told me that if she had to lose Ivan to someone that she would want it to be me. I was speechless as she leaves and I definitely came home with a smile on my face. 

Ivan can feel tears in his eyes. Alfred was friends with my sisters. They knew each other. Why did they never tell me.

December 4th, 1920

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